June 8, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Virtual Meeting Format
Due to Stay Home/Stay Safe orders, Ex. Order 48, BCPS will hold this meeting in a virtual format. Public participation will be possible by using the chat box function to notify the Board that participation is requested during public comment time. Traditional rules for participation apply and are listed at the end of this agenda. To dial into the meeting go to www.boyne.k12.mi.us for details.
II. Call to Order
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Agenda Modifications
V. Presentation
V.A. Boyne City High School and Morgan-Shaw Graduation Updates
Karen Jarema and Nik McLane
VI. Announcements and Comments
VI.A. Superintendent
VI.A.1. Construction Update
VI.A.2. Budget Update
VI.A.3. Early Learners Preschool Opening July 6
VI.B. Board of Education
VI.B.1. School Board Election
Regular school election is scheduled to be held Tuesday, November 3, 2020. There will be three members elected to the Board for full terms of 6 years ending in 2026 and one partial term of 4 years ending in 2024.
VII. Corespondence
VII.A. Good Job Notes
VII.B. Thank you note from the fourth-grade team.
VIII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
IX. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
IX.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Move to approve the Finance Special Committee of the Whole meeting minutes of June 2, 2020.
IX.B. Business and Finance Items
IX.B.1. Payment of Bills
Move to approve the monthly bills.
General Fund: $77516.30 Food Service: $12,214.39 2016 Bond: $34258.80 2019 Bond: $500.00 Total Expenditures:$124,489.49 |
IX.B.2. MASB Membership Dues
Move to approve the MASB membership dues for 2020-2021 school year.
IX.C. Personnel Items
IX.C.1. Resignation
Move to respectfully accept Hospitality/Culinary Teacher Dennis Crissman's resignation for the purpose of retirement.
IX.C.2. Resignation
Move to respectfully accept Elementary Teacher Sandy Thomason's resignation for the purpose of retirement.
X. Board of Education Committee Reports
X.A. Finance Committee
1. 2019-2020 Update End of the Year Process
2. 2020-2021 Forecast |
XI. Discussion Items
XI.A. First Reading of 6146 Post-Issuance Disclosure Compliance Board Policy
XII. Action Items
XII.A. Technology Purchase
XII.B. Meal Prices
XII.C. 2020 Tax Rate Request - MDT Form L-4029 Resolution
XII.D. Post-Issuance Disclosure Compliance Board Policy (6146)
XII.E. MHSAA Resolution
XIII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XIV. Additional Discussion Items (if any)
XV. Adjournment