June 13, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Presentation(s):
III.A. Student Council Reports
IV. Administrators' Highlights
V. Announcements and Comments by Superintendent and Board of Education
VI. Correspondence
VI.A. Grant Award from MDE
VI.B. Letter from State Superintendent of Instruction
VII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
VIII. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Motion by _____, support by _____, "that the Consent Agenda items for the June 13, 2016 meeting of the Board of Education be adopted, as presented."
VIII.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
VIII.A.1. Approval of Minutes
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the Policy Committee, Special and Closed meetings of May 31, 2016, as presented.”
VIII.B. Business and Finance Items
VIII.B.1. Payment of the Bills
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve Gross Payroll as paid in the amount of $774,211.61; General Fund bills as paid in the amount of $134,924.55; and Food Service bills as paid in the amount of $20,323.47, for a total of $929,459.63 for all funds."
VIII.B.2. Substitute Rate of Pay 2016-2017
Motion: “that the Board of Education establish the following substitute salaries at the following rates for the 2016-2017 school year, as administratively recommended:
Teacher (in one assignment) 1-5 days: $82.00 per day; $46.00 per ½ day 6-15 days: $117.00 per day; $70.00 per ½ day 16+ days: $150.00 per day; $90.00 per ½ day Secretary: $10.00 per hour Para/Cook/Aide: $9.50 per hour Custodian: $10.35 per hour Bus Driver: $25.00 per run". |
VIII.B.3. MASB Membership
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the MASB dues for 2016-2017 school year, as recommended administratively".
VIII.B.4. Donations - Robotics
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve donations from 66 individuals, local businesses and/or organizations in the amount of $16,038.51 for the BC Blaze Robotics Team to attend the Worlds Competition, as recommended administratively".
VIII.B.5. Donation - Boyne City Child Study Club
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the donation from the Boyne City Child Study Club in the amount of $191.75 for the BCHS Hospitality Program's Mackinaw trip, as recommended administratively".
VIII.B.6. Donation - Boyne City Booster Foundation
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the donations from the Boyne City Booster Foundation for the following items in the total amount of $8,400, as recommended administratively".
$3500 - HS PRIDE Team, for 2016-17 School Year Projects $700 - HS Closet, for Shelving and Organization Units for The Closet $500 - HS Freshmen Success Class, for Special Projects $1500 - Track Pole Vault Pit, for purchase of the larger Pole Vault System $2200 - BC Blaze Robotics, for their Trip to World Championship |
VIII.C. Personnel Items:
VIII.C.1. Staffing - 8th Grade Science Teacher
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve Kelsey Bricker as a full time (1FTE) Middle School 8th Grade Science Teacher for the 2016-17 school year."
VIII.C.2. Resignation
Motion: "that the Board of Education respectfully accept the resignation of Mark Fralick, Middle School Student Success Adviser".
VIII.D. Curriculum & Program Items:
VIII.D.1. MHSAA Membership Resolution
Motion: "that the Board of Education adopt the MHSAA Membership Resolution for the 2016-2017 school year, as presented".
IX. Board of Education Committee Reports
IX.A. District School Wide Improvement Committee
IX.B. District Technology Committee
IX.C. Finance Committee
IX.D. Personnel Committee Meeting
IX.E. Policy Committee
IX.F. Building Trades Advisory Committee
X. Discussion Items
X.A. Season Athletic Ticket Prices
X.B. District Server Equipment Bid (Wireless and Switching Refresh)
X.C. Purchase of Teacher-Student Devices
X.D. Architect Interview
X.E. Tentative Budget
X.F. Genesis Church Lease
X.G. Handbook Revisions
Morgan-Shaw School, Middle School and Elementary School
X.H. First Reading - Neola Policy Spring Updates
X.H.1. Bylaws/Evaluations Revised
X.H.1.a. Bylaws 0140 (0144.3 Conflict of Interest)
X.H.1.b. Policy 1240 Evaluation of the Superintendent (revised)
X.H.1.c. Policy 1420 School Administrator Evaluation (revised)
X.H.2. Current State of the Law
X.H.2.a. Policy 2623 Student Assessment
X.H.2.b. Policy 3131 Staff Reductions/Recall (Revised)
X.H.2.c. Policy 3220 Professional Staff Evaluation (Revised)
X.H.2.d. Policy 6146 Post-Issuance Compliance for Tax-Exempt and Tax-Advantaged Obligations (Revised)
X.H.2.e. Policy 6424 Purchasing Cards (NEW)
X.H.2.f. Policy 8142.01 Weapons (NEW)
X.H.3.a. Policy 1130 Conflict of Interest Administration
X.H.3.b. Policy 3110 Conflict of Interest - Professional Staff
X.H.3.c. Policy 4110 Conflict of Interest Support Staff
X.H.3.d. Policy 6110 Grant Funds (Revised)
X.H.3.e. Policy 6111 Internal Controls (Revised)
X.H.3.f. Policy 6112 Cash Management of Grants (NEW)
X.H.3.g. Policy 6114 Principles - Spending Federal Funds (NEW)
X.H.3.h. Policy 6116 Time and Effort Reporting (NEW)
X.H.3.i. Policy 6325 Procurement - Federal Grants/Funds (NEW)
X.H.3.j. Policy 6550 Travel Payment & Reimbursement (Revised)
X.H.3.k. Policy 7300 Disposition of Real Property (Revised)
X.H.3.l. Policy 7310 Disposition of Surplus Property (Revised)
X.H.3.m. Policy 7450 Property Inventory (NEW)
X.H.3.n. Policy 8500 Food Service (Revised)
XI. Action Items
XI.A. Completion of Probationary Teacher Status
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education acknowledge Katie Reinhardt who has completed her probationary period of teaching and is eligible for all rights afforded under the Teacher Tenure Act, as recommended administratively".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XI.B. Continuance of Probationary Teacher Status
Motion by ____, support by ____, "that the Board of Education acknowledge the following teachers are eligible for advancement in their probationary teacher status, as recommended administratively:
Kelsey Bricker: completed third year of a five-year cycle Catherine Brown: completed second year of a five-year cycle Sarah MacLean: completed first year of a five-year cycle Kyle Maginity: completed second year of a five-year cycle (effective January 31, 2016) Sean Mills: completed fourth year of a five-year cycle Mark Pontoni: completed third year of a five-year cycle Todd Shumaker: completed fourth year of a five-year cycle Jennifer Smith: completed second year of a five-year cycle David Smith: completed second year of a five-year cycle Lisa Snyder: completed second year of a five-year cycle Nicholas McLane: completed first year of a five-year cycle Jason Terryberry: completed first year of a five-year cycle Shelby Turner: completed first year of a five-year cycle Alise Robinson: completed first year of a five-year cycle Christine Nothstine: completed first year of a two-year cycle Cody Wilcox: completed first year of a five-year cycle Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.C. 2016 Tax Rate Request - MDT Form L-4029 Resolution
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education approve the 2016 Tax Rate Request, as presented on Michigan Department of Treasury Form L-4029, dated June 13, 2016, requesting that 18 mills on Non-Homestead and 3.14 mills for debt be levied."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __ to __. |
XI.D. Middle School Handbook
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education approve the Middle School's handbook revisions for the 2016-2017 school year, as recommended administratively."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.E. Elementary School Handbook
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education approve the Elementary School's handbook revisions for the 2016-2017 school year, as recommended administratively."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.F. Morgan-Shaw School Handbook
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education approve the Morgan-Shaw School's handbook revisions for the 2016-2017 school year, as recommended administratively."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.G. Genesis Church Lease
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education approve the facility-use lease for Genesis Church for the 2016-17 school year."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.H. Server Bid Award
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education award the bid for new servers to Secant Corporation in the amount of $149,529.93 using 2016 Bond revenues, as recommended administratively".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XI.I. Dell Chromebooks Bid
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education approve the purchase of 450 Dell Chromebooks from Netech in the amount of $88,951.50 using Bond revenues, as recommended administratively".
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.J. Apple Inc. Technology Purchase
Motion by __, support__, "that the Board of Education approve using bond revenues, the purchase of student and teacher devices and assorted complementary hardware from Apple, Inc. in the amount of $507,609.80, as recommended administratively".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XII. Recess (if necessary)
XIII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XIV. Closed Session
XIV.A. Closed Session
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education adjourn into closed session to discuss the sale of Real Estate at __pm".
Roll Call Vote (Motion Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XIV.B. Open Session
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education reconvene into open session at __pm".
(Motion Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XV. Additional Action Items (if any)
XVI. Adjournment
Motion by ____, support by ____, "that the Board of Education adjourn the meeting at _______pm."
Motion (Carried / Failed) ___ to ___. |