September 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Presentation(s):
III.A. THRUN - Martha Marcero
IV. Administrators' Highlights
V. Announcements and Comments by Superintendent and Board of Education
VI. Correspondence
VII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
VIII. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Motion by _____, support by _____, "that the Consent Agenda Items for the September 14, 2015 meeting of the Board of Education be adopted, as presented."
VIII.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
VIII.A.1. Approval of Minutes
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the special meeting minutes of August 26, 2015, as presented".
VIII.B. Business and Finance Items
VIII.B.1. Payment of the Bills
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve Gross Payroll as paid in the amount of $651,464.26; General Fund bills as paid in the amount of $122,037.51; Food Service bills as paid in the amount of $2,177.50; and Capital Project Fund bills as paid in the amount of $19,894.50; for a total of $795,573.77 or all funds."
VIII.C. Personnel Items:
VIII.D. Curriculum & Program Items:
VIII.E. Consent Agenda Items (Carried/Failed) __to__.
IX. Board of Education & Committee Reports
X. Discussion Items
X.A. TOMMBA Extension of Lease
XI. Action Items
XII. Recess (if necessary)
XIII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XIV. Submit Lists of Meetings Attended
XV. Closed Session (if necessary)
XVI. Additional Action Items (if any)
XVII. Adjournment
Motion by ____, support by ____, "that the meeting be adjourned at _____pm."
Motion (Carried / Failed) ___ to ___. |