February 10, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Presentation(s):
III.A. Student Council Reports
III.A.1. Middle School Student Council
III.A.2. High School Student Council
III.B. Boyne City High School
III.C. Middle School Focus School Update
IV. Administrators' Highlights
V. Announcements and Comments by Superintendent and Board of Education
VI. Correspondence
VII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
VIII. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Motion by ____, support by _____, "that the Consent Agenda Items for the February 10, 2014 meeting of the Board of Education be adopted, as presented."
VIII.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
VIII.A.1. #13-14-113 Approval of Minutes
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the regular and closed Board meeting minutes of January 13, 2014 and the Finance Committee meeting minutes of January 29, 2014.”
VIII.B. Business and Finance Items
VIII.B.1. #13-14-114 Payment of the Bills
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve Gross Payroll as paid in the amount of $1,143,018.94 ; General Fund bills as paid in the amount of $272,197.67; Food Service bills as paid in the amount of $20,492.53 and Capital Projects bills as paid in the amount of $3,961.17; for a total of $1,439,670.31 for all funds."
VIII.B.2. #13-14-115 Donation
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the following donations for the Boyne City Robotics Team for a total of $6,615, as recommended administratively":
Paul & Patty Brewer: $100 Northwestern MI Industrial Assoc.: $500 Grain Train: $100 Van Dam Custom Boats: $150 Glen’s Markets: $100 Lakeside Farm, Dave & Lynn Skornia: $590 Kelly & April Bellant: $625 Dennis & Chris O’Donnell: $100 Child Study Club: $100 Kiwanis Club: $250 Boyne City ACE: $700 Precision Edge: $500 LexaMar: $1000 Michigan Scientific: $100 Bulmann Dock & Lift: $1700 |
VIII.B.3. #13-14-116 Donation
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the donation from Lexamar in the amount of $480 to purchase furniture for 21st Century learning in the 3rd and 4th grades, as recommended administratively".
VIII.B.4. #13-14-117 Donation
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the donation from Little Traverse Association of Home Builders in the amount of $910.03 for the High School Building Trades Program, as recommended administratively".
VIII.B.5. #13-14-118 Donation
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the donation from Northwest Industrial Association for the amount of $2500 for the High School Video Imaging Program, as recommended administratively".
VIII.C. Personnel Items:
VIII.D. Curriculum & Program Items:
VIII.D.1. #13-14-119 DECA Field Trip Approval
Motion, "that the Board of Education approve Tony Cutler's request to take BCHS DECA Club to the State Competition for DECA in Detroit MI from March 14th-16th, as recommended administratively".
VIII.D.2. #13-14-120 FIRST Robotics Team Field Trip Competitions
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the BCHS FIRST Robotics Team overnight field trips to attend competitions at the following locations: Gull Lake (March 6-8), St. Joseph (March 27-29) and Ypsilanti (April 9-12), as recommended administratively."
VIII.E. Consent Motions (Carried/Failed) __to__.
IX. Board of Education & Committee Reports
IX.A. Finance Committee
IX.B. Technology Committee
X. Discussion Items
X.A. General Operating Budget Amendments
X.B. Second Reading of the following Revised/New Policies: 0140, 1400, 1630.01, 1662, 2431.01, 3362, 3430.01, 4362, 4430.01, 5112, 5517.01, 5517, 6107, 6420, 6470, 6520, 8120, 8142, 8390, 8405, 8510 and 9160
XI. Action Items
XI.A. #13-14-121 2013-2014 General Fund Operating Budget Amendment
Motion by ____, support by ____, "that the Board of Education approve the recommended General Fund Budget Amendment and therefore adopt the adjusted 2013-2014 budget, as presented by the administration."
Motion (Carried / Failed) ___ to ___. |
XI.B. #13-14-122 Bid Resolution - General Obligation Bonds
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education accept the Resolution awarding the purchase of the 2014 Refunding Bonds of the Issuer".
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.C. #13-14-123 Second and Final Reading Amended Board Policies
Motion by___ support by ___, “that the following policies are hereby amended by the Board of Education”
• Membership Policy (0140) • Job Descriptions Policy (1400) • Anti-Harassment Policies (3362/4362/5517) • Family & Medical Leaves of Absence Policies (3430.01/4430.01) • Entrance Age Policy (5112) • Bullying or Other Aggressive Behavior Toward Students Policy (5517.01) • Payment of Claims Policy (6470) • Payroll Deductions Policy (6520) • Environmental Health and Safety Issues Policy (8405) • Wellness Policy (8510) • Public Attendance at School Events Policy (9160) Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.D. #13-14-124 Second and Final Reading New Adopted Policies
Motion by___ support by ___, “that the following policies are hereby adopted by the Board of Education”
• Family & Medical Leaves of Absence Policies (1630.01) • Anti-Harassment Policies (1662) • Managing Heat and Humidity in Interscholastic Athletic Programs (2431.01) • Authorization to Accept and Distribute Electronic Records and to Use Electronic Signatures Policy (6107) • Conflict of Interest – Legal Counsel, Advisors, or Consultants Policy (6420) • Iran Economic Sanctions Act Compliance Policy (8120) • Criminal History Record Check Policy (8142) • Animals on District Property Policy (8390) Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XII. Recess (if necessary)
XIII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XIV. Submit Lists of Meetings Attended
XV. Closed Session
XV.A. #13-14-125 Closed Session
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education adjourn into closed session to discuss employee negotiations and superintendent's evaluation at ___pm."
Roll Call Vote |
XV.B. #13-14-126 Open Session
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education reconvene into open session at ___pm"
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XVI. Additional Action Items
XVI.A. #13-14-127 Approve Superintendent Evaluation
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education approve the superintendent evaluation for the 2013-2014 school year, as presented".
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XVII. Adjournment
Motion by ____, support by ____, "that the meeting be adjourned at _____pm."
Motion (Carried / Failed) ___ to ___. |