June 25, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Presentations
IV. Administrative Highlights
V. Announcements and Comments by Superintendent and the Board of Education
VI. Correspondence
VII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person - please see guidelines at end of agenda)
VIII. Approval of Consent Items
IX. Board of Education Committee Reports
X. Discussion Items
X.A. Year End Budget Amendments
X.B. 2012-2013 Budget
XI. Action Items
XI.A. #11-12-181 Year End Budget Amendment Resolutions
Motion by__, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2011-2012 year end amendments to the general budget, the food service budget, the capital improvement budget and the capital bond project budget; and therefore adopt the adjusted budgets, as administratively recommended."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.B. #11-12-182 General Fund Budget Resolution for the 2012-2013 School Year
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2012-2013 General Fund Budget resolution, as administratively recommended."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.C. #11-12-183 Food Service Fund Budget Resolution for the 2012-2013 School Year
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2012-2013 Food Service Fund Budget resolution, as administratively recommended."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.D. #11-12-184 Capital Improvement Budget Resolution for the 2012-2013 School Year
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2012-2013 Capital Improvement Budget resolution, as administratively recommended."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.E. #11-12-185 Capital Bond Project Budget Resolution for the 2012-2013 School Year
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2012-2013 Capital Bond Project Budget resolution, as administratively recommended."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.F. #11-12-186 Additional Network Equipment Bid Award
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education award the Additional Network Equipment bid to NETech Corporation for the total amount of $31,942.20, as recommended administratively".
Motion (Carried/Failed) __ to __. |
XI.G. #11-12-187 Video Surveillance Server Bid Award
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education award the Video Surveillance Server bid to REMC Association of Michigan in the amount of $10,775.97, as recommended administratively".
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XII. Recess (If Necessary)
XIII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person - please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XIV. Submit Lists of Meetings Attended
Done on June 11, 2012, no list at this meeting
XV. Closed Session - If Needed
XVI. Additional Action Items (If any)
XVII. Adjournment
Motion by__, support by__, "that the Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ____pm.
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |