February 25, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Business Committee - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Financial Report
1.A. Financial Report
1.B. Approval of Payment of Claims
This item is attached as an "extra" on board book. |
1.C. Budget Revisions
1.D. Wire Transfers
1.E. Investment Transactions
1.F. WADM Projections
1.G. Fund Raisers
1.H. Investments in School Children
2. Bids, R.F.P.s and Quotes Reports
2.A. Bids
2.B. R.F.P.s
2.C. Quotes
3. Policies and Regulations
3.A. Policies
3.B. Regulations
4. Contracts, Change Orders, and Leases
4.A. Contracts
4.B. Change Orders
4.B.1) Congdon Park Elementary School
a. Congdon Park ES LRFP – Site Concrete Change Order #5, Bid #1222, WS #2 – Hovland, Inc. Change Order decrease to credit the concrete for the trash enclosure Deduct: $3,661.00
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change orders as listed above at Congdon Park Elementary School reflecting a total decrease of $3,661.00.
4.C. Leases
4.C.1) City of Duluth - Washington Center Use Agreement
Attached is a lease agreement with the City of Duluth for use of the Washington Center for Head Start and Early Childhood Family Education programs. The amount of the agreement over the 3 year period is $31,980.00.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the lease agreement with the City of Duluth in the amount of $31,980.00.
5. Resolutions
5.A. B-2-14-3161 - Pledge of Collateral
Attached is Resolution B-2-14-3161 - Pledge of Collateral.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve B-2-14-3161 - Pledge of Collateral.
5.B. B-2-14-3162 - Joint Purchasing Agreement with the TCPN - The Cooperative Purchasing Network
Attached is Resolution B-2-14-3162 - Joint Purchasing Agreement with the TCPN - The Cooperative Purchasing Network.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve B-2-14-3162 - Joint Purchasing Agreement with the TCPN - The Cooperative Purchasing Network.
5.C. B-2-14-3163 Legislative Platform
Attached is Resolution B-2-14-3163 - Legislative Platform.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution B-2-14-3163 - Legislative Platform.
6. Informational - These items are provided for informational purposes only and no action is required.
6.A. Expenditure Contracts
Superintendent Gronseth or the Director of Business and Finance has signed the following contracts during the month of January 2014
6.B. Revenue Contracts
Superintendent Gronseth or the Director of Business and Finance has signed the following contracts during the month of January 2014
6.C. Other Contracts - None
6.D. Facilities Management & Capital Project Status Report
6.E. Contracts Signed in Relation to the Long Range Facilities Plan - None
6.F. Change Orders Signed in Relation to the Long Range Facilities Plan - None
7. Future Items
7.A. Develop and finalize budget considerations for FY15