August 25, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Business
2.A. Approve 2013-14 Budget Amendments
2.B. Approve Transfer Students for 2014-15
2.C. Adopt Budget for 2014-2015
2.D. Adopt Tax Rate for 2014-2015
2.D.1. Maintenance & Operating Tax Rate of $1.04 per $100 value
2.D.2. Interest and Sinking Tax Rate of $0.213 per $100 value
3. Superintendent Report
3.A. In-service Week
3.B. First Day Enrollment
3.C. Meet the Bobcats on August 26th at 7:00 PM - Bobcat Stadium
4. Board Policy CI (Local) Discussion and 1st Reading
5. Board Policy DED (Local) Discussion and 1st Reading
6. First Reading of Board Policy Update 100
7. Adjournment