December 12, 2011 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Spotlight on Learning
Middle School- Mrs. Everett will be presenting JH Art projects with some of her students.
3. Open Forum
4. Reports
4.A. Financial/Tax Collection/Investments
4.B. Enrollment
4.C. Programs Director
Title 1, TASCD, Amazing Faces, Schlecky Center
4.D. Elementary Principal
PTO Book Fair, Christmas Program, PTO Basketball Tournament, Clasroom Christmas Party
4.E. Middle School Principal
PTO Book Fair, Christmas Concert and All-School Play, PTO Basketball Tournament, Campus Improvement Plan
4.F. High School Principal
Band Christmas Concert, FFA News, Junior Rings, AC Courses, Semester Tests, December Calendar of Events
4.G. Athletic Director
4.H. Maintenance
Maintenance, Transportation
4.I. District Improvement Plan (2nd Reading)
4.J. Campus Improvement Plans (2nd Reading)
4.K. Policy Update 91 (2nd Reading), affecting local policies (see attached list)
4.L. Policy Update 92 (1st Reading), affecting local policies (see attached list)
4.M. Individual School Board Member Training as of December 2011
4.N. 2010-11 Transfer Students
5. Consent Agenda
Information on these items has been sent to the Board of Trustees for review prior to the meeting. Any Board member may pull any item from the consent agenda (without a second) for deliberation prior to consideration. Any item pulled will be considered with the business items on the agenda.
5.A. Approval of minutes of previous meeting on November 14, 2011
5.B. Approval of expenditures
5.C. Conduct 2nd reading and approve the District Improvement Plan
5.D. Conduct 2nd reading and approve the Campus Improvement Plans
5.E. Conduct 2nd reading and approve Policy Update 91
5.F. Conduct 1st Reading of Policy Update 92
5.G. Approve 2011-12 Transfer Students
6. Business
6.A. Personnel
6.A.1. Resignations
6.A.2. Hire classroom teacher
6.B. Sherman County Appraisal District Election
6.C. Set Date for Board and Superintendent Evaluation Meeting--January 2, 2012 at 6:00
6.D. Long-term lease with City of Sunray for Ag Farm
6.E. Bids for MS/Elementary Campus PA System
6.F. Meet with architect (Steve Butler) and construction manager (Greg Huseman) on final plan drawings
7. Superintendent Remarks
7.A. Pass Out Evaluation Instruments & Documents
7.B. Preview January as Board Appreciation Month
7.C. Haynes & Boone/Texas School Coalition litigation update
7.D. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Financial Exigency
7.E. TASA Meeting with State Representatives
7.F. PAASB Meeting on January 19 (TASB Grassroots Meeting)
7.G. Other
8. Adjournment