May 9, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Spotlight on Learning
High School
3. Open Forum
4. Reports
4.A. Financial/Tax Collection/Investments
4.B. Annual Financial Audits Report
4.C. Audit Engagement Letter
4.D. Discussion and Review of Federal Programs & Application
4.E. Enrollment
4.F. Programs Director
Title I/SCE, GT Coordinator Spring Meeting, Comprehensive Needs Assessment Webinar, PSLA/PASCD/Teaching 21sst Century Learners, Migrant Coordinators Spring Meeting, Title III (ESL), Fingerprinting Update TETN
4.G. Elementary Principal
Track Meet, Doughnuts for Dads/Tea for Moms, Field Day, Elementary/Jr High Awards Program
4.H. Middle School Principal
TAKS testing, Middle School Band, Elementary/Middle School Track Meet, Elementary/MS Awards, Jr. High Cheerleading Tryouts, Spring Band Concert, Field Trips
4.I. High School Principal
May Calendar, Prom, Regional Track Meet, Diplomas, Senior Activities, Band, Banquets
4.J. Athletic Director
Regional Track Meet, Athletic Banquet, Off Season Training, Lift-A-Thon, HS Athletic Parent Meeting
4.K. Maintenance/Transportation Director
4.L. Transfer students
4.M. Worth the Wait and School Health Advisory Committee Recommendations
4.N. TEA Preliminary Notification of Chapter 41 or 2011-12
4.O. Policy FBA (REGULATION) Service Animals
4.P. Policy EHBB (LOCAL) Gifted and Talented Students
4.Q. Special Meeting to Canvass the 2011 School Board and Bond Election Results on May 23 2011 at 7:00 pm
5. Consent Agenda
Information on these items has been sent to the Board of Trustees for review prior to the meeting. Any Board member may pull any item from the consent agenda (without a second) for deliberation prior to consideration. Any item pulled will be considered with the business items on the agenda.
5.A. Approval of minutes of previous meetings, April 11, 2011
5.B. Approval of expenditures
5.C. Approve Engagement-Auditors
5.D. Transfer students
5.E. First Reading of Policy EHBB (LOCAL) Gifted and Talented Students
5.F. Call Special Meeting to Canvass Election Results for May 23, 2011 at 7:00 pm
6. Business
6.A. Safety and Security Audit Report
6.B. PAASB Scholarship Award
6.C. Personnel
6.C.1. Hire Teachers/Coach
HS Spanish - Liliana Tarango-Alvarez
HS English/Coach - Rebekah Howard |
7. Superintendent Remarks
7.A. TASB Spring Board Workshop at WTAMU on May 18
Spring Workshop.pdf
7.B. TASB Summer Leadership Institutes (Fort Worth & San Antonio)
7.C. Legislative Update
7.D. Other
8. Adjournment