April 12, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Board Picture at Triple D Photography at 6:30 pm.
2. Roll Call at Boardroom at 7:00 pm.
3. Spotlight on Learning - Middle School
Science Fair Projects
4. Open Forum
5. Reports
5.A. Financial/Tax Collection/Investments
5.B. Enrollment
5.C. Program Director
5.D. Elementary Principal
5.E. High School Principal
5.F. MS Principal
5.G. Athletic Director
5.H. Maintenance/Transportation
5.I. 2010 School Board Election
5.J. Sherman CAD 2010 Budget
5.K. High School Honors English Prerequisites
5.L. Student Transfers
5.M. Student Accident Insurance
5.N. Review of Solution Sessions 2010 Information
6. Consent Agenda
Information on these items has been sent to the Board of Trustees for review prior to the meeting. Any Board member may pull any item from the consent agenda (without a second) for deliberation prior to consideration. Any item pulled will be considered with the business items on the agenda.
6.A. Approval of minutes of previous meeting, March 8,2010.
6.B. Approval of expenditures
6.C. Designate Mike Brown, Superintendent as the authorized official to apply for federal funds through the consolidated application for 2010-2011.
6.D. Sherman CAD Budget
6.E. Student Transfers
6.F. Student Accident Insurance
6.G. Approve 1st Reading of High School Honors English Prerequisites
7. Business
7.A. Call for Bids for Avian Eradication/Treatment Proposals
7.B. Call for Bids for Parking Lot resurfacing or seal coating.
7.C. Personnel
7.C.1. Resignations/Retirements
7.C.2. Hire Teachers/Diagnostician/Coaches
7.C.3. Hire paraprofessionals
8. Superintendent Remarks
8.A. School Board Spring Workshop
8.B. PAASB April Meeting
8.C. Summer Conference/ TASB Convention
8.D. Other
9. Adjournment