March 10, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Board President
1.A. Roll Call
Board President
1.B. Invocation:
Teresa Cunningham, GJHS Student
1.C. Pledge:
Alexis Padilla, GJHS Student
1.D. Mission Statement:
Michael Modgling, GJHS Student
2. Public Comments
Board President
3. Recognitions
Amanda Smith, Acting Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer
4. Adjourn to Closed session: Under Texas Government Code Chapter 551, The board will recess this open session and covene in a closed meeting to discuss items on the agenda. The board may conveniently meet in such a closed or executive session or meeting, concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Texas government code chapter 551:
Board President
4.A. Consultation with legal counsel regarding subject matters permitted by law, including hiring of Superintendent, Superintendent Contract, and other legal agreements and matters, pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code 551.071
5. New Business/Action Items
5.A. Discuss and Consider Action to Hire Superintendent and Approve Superintendent Contract
Board President
5.B. Consent Agenda
Discuss and Consider Action to approve the Consent Agenda
Amanda Smith, Acting Superintendent
5.B.1. Minutes of Meetings:
5.B.2. Budget Amendments:
5.C. Discuss and Consider Action on Updates to Board Policies: Policy Update 124 (Local), EIA (Local), and DFE (Local)
Amanda Smith, Acting Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer
Attached, please find the draft board policies & the policy update guide administration recommends be adopted:
5.D. Discuss and Consider Action on Purchase of HVAC Equipment and Installation Services and Delegate Authority to the Superintendent to Finalize the Purchase
Gene Kridler, Executive Director of Operations; Amanda Smith, Acting Superintendent & Chief Financial Officer
After receiving an engineering evaluation of the HVAC unit that supports the GNA cafeteria, administration recommends replacing the unit. Attached to this item is an outdated proposal received in December. We have requested an updated proposal and are currently awaiting their numbers.
Board Policy CH (Local) requires the board approve any purchase that exceeds $75,000. To expedite the purchase, administration recommends you delegate the authority to finalize the purchase to the superintendent so that we can execute a purchase order immediately upon receipt of the updated proposal. If approved, this purchase will be made with bond funds through a purchasing cooperative. |
5.E. Discuss and Consider Action on Prekindergarten Tuition Rate for the 2025-26 School Year
Amanda Smith, Chief Financial Officer
5.F. Discuss and Consider Action on Purchase of Materials Testing for the CTE Building and Ag Barn as Part of the 2023 Bond Program
Amanda Smith, Acting Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer
In October 2024, Terracon was selected as the most qualified professional engineering firm to perform geotechnical borings at the new CTE Building and Ag Barn site.
This proposal is to provide materials testing during the construction of the project. Building Code requires certain materials testing and some of the work is desired for quality control via 3rd party testing. Materials testing is designated as a professional service per State law and must be selected based on qualifications, not price. Administration finds the proposed pricing structure and agreement within industry standards and expectations. Note this work is performed on a unit basis and will be paid based on actual work performed. The proposal includes a fee estimate of $80,037 based on the expected number of tests. Administration recommends the Board authorize an additional $15,000 to cover possible additional testing. The total of $95,037 is under our budgeted amount for this work. |
5.G. Discuss and Consider Action on Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the CTE Building & Ag Barn as Part of the 2023 Bond Program
Gene Kridler, Director of Operations; Amanda Smith, Acting Superintendent & Chief Financial Officer
Weaver & Jacobs has provided a pricing proposal for the CTE/Ag Facility. This is a planned expenditure to bve funded from the 2023 Bond Program.
In February 2024 the Board selected Weaver & Jacobs as the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the 2023 Bond Program. Weaver & Jacobs solicited & reviewed bids for the project on 2/18/25. A total of 221 bids were received. The coverage and response from trade contractors was very good. The quality and experience of trade contractors is high. Once awarded under contract, it is anticipated Weaver & Jacobs will mobilize within 3 weeks to begin the project and reach substantial completion within 18 months. If awarded at this Board Meeting, substantial completion is expected to be on or before September 2026. BUDGET INFORMATION These projects are to be funded from the 2023 Bond Funds and interest earning. The bid summary is as follows:
All Weaver & Jacobs fees are consistent with their contracted amounts. Included within the recommended award amount is $1,175,000 in Allowances for planned work items and Contingencies for unforeseen items to enable the project to proceed with minimum disruption. All Allowance and Contingency funds will be tracked, and all unused funds will be returned to GISD. Notably, the 2023 Bond Program called for a 26,000 square foot CTE Building. The proposed building is 31,782 square feet and includes the Auto Tech space as discussed during the Schematic Design phase. During Schematic Design, staff indicated this additional square footage would require an additional $2M from Operational Funds. The proposed GMP including all 3 recommended Alternates can be funded entirely from 2023 Bond proceeds and interest earned. No operational funds are needed to Award the GMP. Further, the 2023 Bond Program Budget still contains over $1.5M in funds designated for expected upcoming costs including permits, shop equipment, furniture, materials testing, code inspections, new marquee sign, technology items needed, new computers, greenhouse, cattle trailers, and health & nursing equipment. |
6. Reports
6.A. Academic Report
Dr. Rachelle Ysquierdo, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
6.B. Texas Academic Performance (TAPR) Annual Report
Dr. Rachelle Ysquierdo, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Report the Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) for Gonzales ISD Board to have a knowledge and complete understanding of the Texas Education Code (TEC), §39.306 and §39.362, or 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), §61.1022. TEC, §39.306, which requires each district’s board of trustees to publish an annual report that includes the PDF TAPR and the information summarized below under "Annual Report."
6.C. 2024-25 District Improvement Plan and Campus Improvement Plans Formative Review Report
Dr. Rachelle Ysquierdo, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
The Curriculum and Instruction department will provide the District Improvement Plans and Campus Improvement Plans for review.
6.D. Financial Report
Amanda Smith, Chief Financial Officer
6.E. 2023 Bond Program Monthly Update
Casey Sledge, Sledge Engineering/ESC Region 13
6.F. Superintendent's Report
7. Board Business
7.A. Board Correspondence
7.B. Dates of Interest
8. Adjourn to Closed session: Under Texas Government Code Chapter 551, The board will recess this open session and covene in a closed meeting to discuss items on the agenda. The board may conveniently meet in such a closed or executive session or meeting, concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Texas government code chapter 551:
Board President
8.A. Personnel
8.B. Administrator Contracts
8.C. Safety & Security: Intruder Detection Audit Finding(s)
9. Reconvene to Open Meeting: The Board will take appropriate action on items, if necessary, as discussed in Closed Session
Board President
10. Adjourn