January 24, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Public Comment
3. Informational Report Agenda
3.1. Commendations / Recognition / Proclamation(note: volleyball)
3.1.1. Presentation by Danbury City Councilman, Jon Williams. Proclamation - School Board Recognition Month.
3.1.2. Band Members
3.1.3. Volleyball Players
3.1.4. UIL - Danbury Elementary School
3.1.5. Art
3.2. Superintendent's Report
Nancy Sandlin
3.3. Chief Financial and Human Resources Officer
3.4. Administrative Reports
3.4.1. Colin Mossbarger
3.4.2. Trey Herrmann
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Board Minutes for the Public Hearing on December 13, 2021.
4.2. Board Minutes from the Regular Meeting on December 13, 2021.
4.3. Investment Report.
4.4. Resolution to Elect Board Members by Position.
4.5. Resolution authorizing Joint, In-Person, Early Voting.
4.6. Cash Flow Report.
4.7. Budget Amendment Transfer
4.8. Consider and Possibly Approve Changes to the DISD 2021-2022 School Calendar.
There is a need to change the summer school session dates. Instead of Summer School beginning the day after Memorial Day, it will start on June 6 and run through June 23. Starting later will allow teachers time to end the school year and prepare for summer school targeted lessons.
4.9. TEA Application for Missed Days Waiver (Hurricane Nicholas and subsequent Power Outage)
4.10. TEA Application for Waiver for Staff Development Days
This waiver will allow us 3 days of instructional minutes, which will keep us from having to make up the September missed days of instruction.
5. General Business Agenda: The Board will consider, discuss, and take action as needed:
5.1. Presentation of the 2020-2021 Danbury ISD Audit by a representative of Belt, Harris, Pechacek, LLLP CPA:. Consideration and possible acceptance and approval of 2020-2021 Danbury ISD Audit.
5.2. Consideration and possible approval of Audit Engagement Letter with Belt, Harris, Pechacek, LLLP CPA for services ending August 31, 2022.
5.3. Resolution Ordering School Board Election on May 7, 2022.
5.4. Consider and Possibly Approve Rekeying the Annex and Middle School.
5.5. Consider and Possibly Approve Adding Access Controls to DISD buildings.
5.6. Consider and Possibly Approve Plans for Auditorium/Cafeteria Building.
6. Adjournment to a closed or executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 - 551.089 of the Open Meetings Act, for the following purposes:
Section 551.074 - For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee. |
6.1. Consideration and possible action on the Superintendent's Evaluation.
6.2. Consideration and possible action on the Superintendent's Contract.
6.3. Personnel Issues
7. Reconvene in Open Meeting
8. Consider and possible action on items discussed in executive session (those listed under the executive session of this Notice).
8.1. Consideration and possible action on the Superintendent's Evaluation.
8.2. Consideration and possible action on the Superintendent's Contract.
9. Adjournment