August 25, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the minutes of the Fiscal Organizational Meeting and the Closed Session Meeting on July 22, 2014. Approval of the minutes of the Special Board Meeting on August 4, 2014.
3. Introductions/Presentations
3.1. Middle School Technology Teacher - Shayne Hellebuyck (Mr. Brown)
3.2. Middle School Dean of Students - Kelly Wilsey (Mr. Brown)
3.3. ESL Instructional Specialist Teacher - Heather Murray (Mr. Cameron)
4. Public Comments
This is a time for the public to make comments during the meeting. When making comments, please state your name and then direct your comments to the President of the Imlay City Board of Education. Comments are limited to a maximum of five minutes per person. |
5. Approval of Bills in the Amount of $1,264,990.63
5.1. General Fund...........................$1,232,397.45
5.2. Lunch Fund...................................$29,668.18
5.3. Capital Projects Fund...................$2,925.00
6. Financial Report - Amy Swantek
7. Curriculum/Instruction Report - Stu Camerom
8. Administrative Reports
8.1. Athletics - Don Gauthier
8.2. Operations - Deby Smith
8.3. Food Services - Roxanne Pierce
9. Board Committee Reports
9.1. Budget/Finance - Greg Dennis
9.2. Buildings/Grounds - Dan Campbell
9.3. Curriculum/School Improvement - Anne-Marie Giglio
9.4. Personnel/Policy - Jim Preisel
9.5. Athletics - Doug Van Dyk
10. Informational Items
10.1. Closed Session: Pending Litigation
10.2. Closed Session: Collective Bargaining
11. Hearing Items - None
12. Action Items
12.1. Revisions to the Performance Evaluation Handbook for Teachers
12.2. Employee Resignations
12.3. Employment Contracts (Consent Agenda)
12.4. High School Math Teaching Position
12.5. Tentative Agreement: Imlay City Federation of Teachers
13. Closing Announcements
13.1. Who Cares? Improving Public Schools Through Relationships and Customer Service (Sharon Muir)
14. Adjournment of Regular Board Meeting