March 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Brad Hinton
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Ralph Ramon / Doug Neff
4. Keep Texas Beautiful Nominee Award
Valerie Morris
5. Employee Recognition
Valerie Morris
6. Campus Spotlight (Primary)
7. Open Forum / Public Comments
8. Consent Agenda
Bob Rauch
I recommend approval of the consent agenda, as presented.
8.A. Minutes from Regular Meeting, February 13, 2025
8.B. Accounts Payable
9. Action Agenda
9.A. Consider approval of the SISD Wellness Plan
Kathy Scott
The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) has evaluated the SISD Wellness Policy FFA (LEGAL) using the WellSAT3.0 and the plan has been revised and updated based on the results of this evaluation. These changes require board approval.
9.B. Consider approving the purchase of a new route bus at a cost not to exceed $150,000.
Chris Jalomo
Snyder ISD currently maintains a vehicle fleet on a purchase rotation. It has been deemed necessary to purchase 1 new route bus in order to maintain the current fleet. After going through procurement guidelines as laid out in TEC 44.031, multiple quotes were received, and we will proceed through the procurement process if the Board approves this purchase.
9.C. Consider Approval of AIA Document with Jacob and Martin, LLC
Bob Rauch
The AIA Document has been certified by our school attorney and Jacob and Martin, LLC has agreed to the terms. I am submitting the AIA document for your review and recommending approval.
9.D. Policy Update 124
Bob Rauch
This is the next round of legal updates from TASB for our District Policy Manual for your review and I recommend approval.
9.E. Instructional Coaches
Jessica Gore and Jeremy Aquirre
We currently have one Instructional Coach serving the entire district. In order to provide additional academic support for teachers and build an instructional team, the Superintendent is recommending three additional Instructional Coaching positions for the 2025-2026 school year.
9.F. 2025-2026 Professional Contract Revisions
Jeremy Aguirre
The school attorney has recommended legal revisions to 2025-2026 professional contracts. The Superintendent recommends approval of the contract revisions.
9.G. 2025-2026 Professional Contract and Employment Agreement Recommendations
Jeremy Aguirre
Consider and take action to approve offering professional contracts and employment agreements to current Snyder ISD personnel recommended by the Superintendent in the attached list for the 2025-2026 school year.
10. Information
10.A. Texas Education Agency Visit on February 21, 2025
Jessica Gore / Valerie Morris
Information will be shared from the TEA campus tour that took place on February 21, 2025.
10.B. Texas Strategic Leadership Update
Bob Rauch, Jessica Gore and Valerie Morris
We will provide a progress update after the TSL Committee meeting on Monday, March 3rd.
10.C. School Safety Update
Jeff McGinnis
Student safety is the highest priority at Snyder ISD. HB 3 requires police officers at all 4 campuses every day of instruction. Our great relationship with the Snyder Police Department provides one School Resource Officer, which at times historically, is difficult. The good cause exemption allows some flexibility, but have we covered as many bases as we would like? An update on School Safety will be presented.
10.D. Avenues of Support Update
Jessica Gore and Principals
Administrators will report on several pathways that have been utilized to develop and build support systems for staff.
10.E. Survey Trends
Valerie Morris
Valerie will report on a recent staff survey.
10.F. Financial Update
Morgan Preston
10.G. Update on Programming, Staffing and Compensation
Jessica, Jeremy, Valerie, Jeff, Morgan
Administrators will report on programming, staffing, and compensation updates.
10.H. Classroom Instructional Technology Upgrade Information
Jeff McGinnis/Morgan Preston
During the district-wide campus facility assessment, several critical issues were identified that directly impact student success. One longstanding concern is the outdated classroom technology used for daily instruction. Many campuses have Promethean boards that are incompatible with current devices, limiting teacher interaction. Additionally, one campus relies on outdated projectors that do not support interactive teaching. Information will be presented to explore the potential for replacing some or all of the existing Promethean boards and projectors with modern interactive panels. |
10.I. District Copier RFP Information
Jeff McGinnis
The district uses large copiers in each building for teachers and administration to print. The current three year contract included most if not all of the black and white copies with all the color copies charged individually. All maintenance and supplies were included.
We are seeking another 3-year lease for 12 black and white copiers and 5 color copiers in an RFP due April 11, 2025. Additional district-owned smaller copiers are included in the maintenance and supply. |
11. Superintendent's Report
Bob Rauch
11.A. March Enrollment Comparison
11.B. Donation Tracker
11.C. Regular Meeting April 10, 2025
12. Executive Session (TGC Section 551.074 - Personnel matters)
The Board may go into closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E. Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting. All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in an open meeting.
Brad Hinton
12.A. Contract Abandonment of Chapter 21 employee and report to SBEC
13. Reconvene from Closed Session
14. Consider whether a chapter 21 employee did not have good cause to abandon his employment contract with the District and a complaint to the State Board for Educator Certification should be made.
Brad Hinton
15. Adjourn