December 11, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Public Comment
Members of the public who wish to address the board will have a five minute time limit to address the board. (Ten minutes if a translator is required).
Information Agenda
Recognition of Valley View South Elementary Principal, Staff, Students & School Community for being selected as a 2023 National ESEA Distinguished School for the state of Texas.
Dr. Rosemarie Gomez, Federal Programs Director
Recognition of 7th & 8th Grade Boys Soccer and 7th Grade Boys Baseball teams as District Champs for the 2023-2024 season.
Federico Barroso, Jr., VV Junior High Principal
AR Tiger STAR Readers Recognition for Valley View South Elementary.
Marina Leal, VV South Elementary Principal
Superintendent's Report.
Dr. Silvia Ibarra, Superintendent of Schools
Staff Development Expenditure Report for July-November 2023.
Dr. Nancy Montemayor, Student Support Services
Expenditure Report for July-November 2023.
Dr. Nancy Montemayor, Student Support Services
Board Members Continuing Education Report.
Claudia Coronado, Board President
Consent Agenda
Consider and take action to approve the minutes for the Regular Board Meeting of November 13, 2023.
Action Agenda
PUBLIC HEARING for FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) Indicator Results for the 2022-2023 school-year.
Sandra Martinez, Finance Director
Consider and take action to discuss re-bidding for the welding shop to include deductive alternative items, as recommended by the administration.
Efrain Matamoros, Executive Director of District Operations
Consider and take action regarding approving A&A Villa for CSP #11-002-23 High School Parking Lot, as recommended by the administration.
Efrain Matamoros, Executive Director of District Operations
Consider and take action to approve the job description and corresponding workday calendar, as recommended by the administration.
Aaron Larraga, HR Director
Consider and take action to add, revise, or delete (LOCAL) policies as recommended by TASB Policy Service according to the Instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 122.
Aaron Larraga, HR Director
Consider and take action to approve the use of our facility(s) as an Early Voting and/or Election Day polling location(s) for the upcoming 2024 Election Cycle by the Hidalgo County Elections Department, as recommended by the administration.
Sandra Riojas, Data Management & Assessment Director
Consider and take action to approve the amendment in the amount of $786,000 to transfer funds from Food Service Fund Balance to the Food Service Operating Budget for the purchase of the delivery truck, as well as kitchen equipment.
Sandra Lopez, Food Services Director
Consider and take action to approve the following expenses over $10,000.00 as recommended by the administration:
Student Support Services
Purchase of TeleHealth clinic supplies in the amount of $18,000 (Grant Funds)
Dr. Nancy Montemayor, Assistant Superintendent
District Operations
Efrain Matamoros, Executive Director of District Operations
Request to approve HERRCON to repair the roof area hallway around the high school auditorium for the approximate amount of $91,800.00 (Local Funds)
Request to approve HERRCON to repair the roof area between the high school old gym and fine arts for the approximate amount of $39,000.00 (Local Funds)
Request to approve HERRCON to repair the high school new gym roof for the approximate amount of $195,000.00 (Local Funds)
Consider and take action to approve the following staff development trips, as recommended by the administration:
Perla Del Angel, SPED Director - TEA Special Education Director's Panel at Austin, TX, January 18, 2024.
Perla Del Angel, SPED Director
Consider and take action to approve the following student trips, as recommended by the administration:
Boys Baseball Team - Boys Baseball Border Olympics Tournament at Laredo, TX, February 22-24, 2024.
Genaro Cantu, Interim Athletics Director
VVHS Band - TMEA (TX Music Educators Association) Area Auditions at Corpus Christi, TX, January 6, 2024.
Manuel Rodriguez, Fine Arts Director
Executive Session
Texas Government Code Section: 551.074-Personnel
Discuss and consider staff resignations.
Discuss and consider staff recommendations.
Open Session
Texas Government Code Section: 551.074-Personnel
Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve staff resignations as recommended by the administration.
Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve staff recommendations as recommended by the administration.