November 13, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Public Comment
Members of the public who wish to address the board will have a five minute time limit to address the board. (Ten minutes if a translator is required).
Information Agenda
Superintendent's Report
Dr. Silvia Ibarra, Superintendent of Schools
Expenditure Report
Dr. Nancy Montemayor, Assistant Superintendent
Consent Agenda
Consider and take action to approve the minutes for the Regular Board Meeting of October 23, 2023.
Action Agenda
Consider and take action to approve the Valley View ISD 2022-2023 Annual Financial Report, as recommended by the administration.
Dr. Nancy Montemayor, Assistant Superintendent
Consider and take action to approve the agreement for financial advisory services between Valley View ISD and Estrada Hinojosa & Company, Inc., as recommended by the administration.
Dr. Nancy Montemayor, Assistant Superintendent
Consider and take action to approve the appraisal 2023 Tax Roll, as recommended by the administration.
Dr. Nancy Montemayor, Assistant Superintendent
Consider and take action to approve the Valley View ISD Athletics Concussion Oversight Team, as recommended by the administration.
Genaro Cantu, Interim Athletics Director
Consider and take action to approve submittals for Competitive Sealed Proposals for a Welding Shop Building, as recommended by the administration:
Efrain Matamoros, Executive Director of Operations
Consider and take action to approve submittals for Competitive Sealed Proposals for the High School Parking Lot, as recommended by the administration.
Efrain Matamoros, Executive Director of District Operations
Consider and take action to approve the following expenses over $10,000.00 as recommended by the administration:
Curriculum & Instruction
Payment to TEA (Texas Education Agency) for TIA (Teacher Incentive Allotment) Designation Fees in the amount of $14,000.00 (Local Funds)
Dr. Nancy Montemayor, Assistant Superintendent
District Operations
Efrain Matamoros, Executive Director of District Operations
Purchase of 55 gallon trash bags for District-wide use in the approximate amount of $13,000.00 (Local Funds)
Purchase of 20-30 gallon trash bags for District-wide use in the approximate amount of $32,000.00 (Local Funds)
Purchase of sanitary two-ply tissue for District-wide use in the approximate amount of $21,000.00 (Local Funds)
Purchase of natural sofpull roll towels for District-wide use in the approximate amount of $29,000.00 (Local Funds)
Purchase of antibacterial foam wash for District-wide use in the approximate amount of $28,000.00 (Local Funds)
Purchase of NABC non-acid bowl cleaner for District-wide use in the approximate amount of $11,000.00 (Local Funds)
Purchase of DMQ damp mop neutral disinfectant for District-wide use in the approximate amount of $14,000.00 (Local Funds)
Consider and take action to approve the following staff development trips, as recommended by the administration:
Soccer Coaches: Esequiel Morales, Israel Lince & Alfredo Salinas - 2023 TX Association of Soccer Coaches Fall Convention at Galveston, TX, November 16-18, 2023.
Genaro Cantu, Interim Athletics Director
Culinary Arts Teachers: Norma Garcia & Ruby Clark - HEAT (Hospitality Educators Association of TX) Annual Conference at Houston, TX November 12-14, 2023.
Gustavo Guzman, CTE/TSTEM/PTECH Coordinator
5th Grade Teachers: Maribel Garcia & Nereida Gutierrez - STAAR Spanish Math & Science Review for Grade 5 at Austin, TX, December 4-5, 2023.
Marina Leal, VV South Elementary Principal
Consider and take action to approve the following student trips, as recommended by the administration:
VVISD TAFE Chapter - TAFE (TX Association of Future Business Educators) Area 1 Conference at Corpus Christi, TX, December 19, 2023.
Gustavo Guzman, CTE/TSTEM/PTECH Coordinator
Lady Tigers Wrestling Team - San Antonio Tournament 2023 at San Antonio, TX, December 7-9, 2023.
Genaro Cantu, Interim Athletics Director
Executive Session
Texas Government Code Section: 551.074-Personnel
Discuss and consider staff resignations.
Discuss and consider staff recommendations.
Open Session
Texas Government Code Section: 551.074-Personnel
Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve staff resignations as recommended by the administration.
Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve staff recommendations as recommended by the administration.