February 26, 2025 at 4:30 PM - Policy Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order / Introductions
2. Public Comment - 5 Two-Minute slots
*To sign-up for public comment email PublicComment@pps.net or call 503-916-3741
3. Draft Revisions to Policy 1.20.010-P Board of Education - Board vacancy revision to align with statue - Potential Action
4. Draft Revisions to Policy 5.10.066-P Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy - Potential revision pertaining to the district employment of Board Members. Potential Action
5. Draft Proposed New Policy x.xx.xxx-P: Solicitation Registration and Reporting - Discussion only
6. Update on Access to Advanced Placement Courses
7. 4.10.020-P Compulsory Enrollment: Age and Grade Level at Entrance - Discussion, Potential Action
8. Adjourn