December 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent grouping
2. * Approval of the regular and Closed Session minutes from the November 23, 2015, Board Meeting and the minutes of the December 8, 2015, Special Meeting.
3. Communications
4. Special Presentations
4.a. International Field Trips - Mike Kapolka, Jed Fritzemeier and Steve Forsberg
5. * Staff Reports
5.a. North Creek - Marcus Kaemming
5.b. South Meadows - Stacie Battaglia
5.c. Operations - Denis Taylor
5.d. Technology - Scott Wooster
5.e. Food Service - Sue Gregg
5.f. Transportation - Jeff Knasiak
5.g. Special Education - Lisa Nickel
5.h. CHS - Mike Kapolka
5.i. Beach Middle - Nick Angel
5.j. Assistant Superintendent - Julie Deppner
5.k. Athletics - Brad Bush
6. Public Input
7. Superintendent/Board Discussion
8. *Consent Action Items
8.a. Action Item 33-15-16. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the CHS Art - Course Names and Descriptions
8.b. Action Item 34-15-16. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the CHS Vocal Music - Course Names andDescriptions
8.c. Action Item 35-15-16. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the Updated Music Curriculum Documents
8.d. Action Item 36-15-16. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the Reproductive Health Teacher Guide Changes.
9. * Individual Action Item
9.a. Action Item 37-15-16. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the contract with Chartwells as the District's Food Service Manager.
10. * Information/Discussion
10.a. CHS Softball team's annual field trip request to Isle of Palms, SC from April 1- April 9, 2016, for spring training.
10.b. Board Policies: 0140 Membership; 1130 Conflict of Interest;1630.01FMLA; 3110 Conflict of Interest; 3217 Weapons; 3430.01 FMLA; 4110 Conflictof Interest; 4217 Weapons; 4430.01FMLA; 5517.02 Sexual Violence; 5772 Weapons; 8321Criminal Justice Information Security; 8500 Food Services.
10.c. Special Education Millage
11. Public Input
12. Superintendent Report
13. Commendations/Thank-you
14. Upcoming Events
15. Closed Session, for the purpose of Transportation (IUOE) negotiations. (MCL 380.503)
16. Other
17. Adjournment