March 23, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent grouping
2. * Approval of the regular and Closed Session minutes from the March 9, 2015, Board Meeting.
3. Communications
4. Special Presentations
4.a. Chelsea District Library
5. * Staff Reports
5.a. CHS - Mike Kapolka
5.b. Beach Middle - Nick Angel
5.c. Assistant Superintendent - Julie Deppner
5.d. Business and Operations - Teresa Zigman
5.e. Athletics - Brad Bush
6. Board Member Reports
7. Public Input
8. Superintendent/Board Discussion
9. * Consent Action Items:
9.a. Action Item 52-14-15. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board accept the $1,500 donation to the high school Robotics Club from Toyota Motors.
10. Individual Action Item
10.a. Action Item 53-14-15. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve the resolution in support of Proposal 1 for safer roads.
11. * Information/Discussion
11.a. Elementary Science and high school Math curriculum recommendation from District Cirruculum Council.
11.b. South Meadows' Technology Replacement
11.c. Chelsea House Orchestra's field trip request Alma, MI to attend the Highland Games from May 23, 2015, through May 24, 2015.
11.d. Chelsea House Orchestra's field trip request Oscoda, MI and Alpena, MI from July 1, 2015, through July 5, 2015, to attend camp and perform.
11.e. Chelsea House Orchestra Field Trip Request to Grandfather Mountain, North Carolina from July 8, 2015, through July 13, 2015 to perform.
12. Public Input
13. Superintendent Report
14. Commendations/Thank-you's
15. Upcoming Events
16. Closed Session, for the purpose of CEA negotiations. (MCL 380.503)
17. Action Item 54-14-15. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve the negotiated contract with the Chelsea Education Association (CEA) for the period of March 23, 2015, through June 30, 2016.
18. Other
19. Adjournment