March 25, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent grouping
2. * Approval of the minutes from the February 25, 2013, Board Meeting.
3. February Finance Report
4. Communications
5. Special Presentations
5.a. Instructional Specialists Update - Heather Conklin and Cathy Kotlarek
5.b. High School Technology Update - Scott Wooster and Mike Kapolka
5.c. Summer Bond Work Update - Ron Livengood
6. * Staff Reports
6.a. Chelsea High School - Mike Kapolka
6.b. Beach Middle School - Nick Angel
6.c. Executive Director of Buisness and Operations - Teresa Zigman
6.d. Executive Director of Instruction - Julie Deppner
6.e. Athletics - Jeremy Barkey
6.f. North Creek Elementary - Marcus Kaemming
6.g. South Meadows - Lisa Nickel
6.h. Operations - Ron Livengood
6.i. Technology - Scott Wooster
6.j. Food Service - Sue Gregg
6.k. Special Education - Jim Woodhams
7. Board Member Reports
8. Public Input
9. Superintendent/Board Discussion
10. * Consent Action Items
10.a. Action Item 52-12-13. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve a donation from Village Motors in excess of $1,000 to the district's Athletic Department.
11. * Information/Discussion
11.a. Chelsea House Orchestra's field trip request to the Chicago Scottish Festival from June 14-16, 2013.
11.b. An anonymous donation, in excess of $1,000, will be given to Beach Middle School for the 2014 Washington DC trip.
11.c. Updated Medical Plan Documents
11.d. Curriculum Updates
12. Public Input
13. Superintendent Report
14. Commendations/Thank-you's
15. Upcoming Events
16. Closed Session for the purpose of CEA negotiations. (MCL 380.503)
17. Other
18. Closed Session, for the purpose of the superintendent's evaluation. (MCL 380.503)
19. Other
20. Adjournment