April 18, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Declare a quorum. Invocation. Pledges. Mission statement.
Our district, as the educational center for excellence, provides the foundation for a safe, positive and enjoyable learning experience. In partnership with the community, Troy ISD models exemplary practices to empower our students to maximize their potential for success. |
2. Consideration and possible action to approve resolutions honoring students and staff
3. Open Forum
4. Report/discuss:
4.a. Troy Education Enhancement Foundation
4.b. Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
4.c. Local innovation plan
4.d. Board training
5. Consideration and possible action to adopt the revised board operational procedures
6. Consideration and possible action to approve the Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification
7. Consideration and possible action to approve local stipends
8. Consideration and possible action to approve the consent agenda:
8.a. Minutes of the March 21 meeting
8.b. Revenue/expenditure report
8.c. Athletic and tax receipts
8.d. Board training hours
9. Consideration and possible action on personnel matters:
9.a. Employ elementary assistant principal
9.b. Employ teacher(s)
9.c. Proposed renewal of term contract teachers, teacher/coaches, counselors, librarian, and nurse
9.d. Proposed renewal and/or terminating of probationary contract teachers, teacher/coaches
10. Adjournment