April 27, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Declare a quorum, Invocation, Pledges
2. Open Forum. Anyone wishing to participate in public comment should email neil.jeter@troyisd.org or call 254-938-2595 prior to the start of the meeting.
3. Report/discuss:
3.a. Facility update
3.b. Remote instruction due to COVID-19 pandemic
3.c. TASB Summer Leadership Institute
4. Consideration and possible action to approve a resolution regarding wage payments during emergency school closings.
5. Consideration and possible action to approve a resolution regarding Policy EIC(LOCAL), i.e. class rank.
6. Consideration and possible action to approve application for waiver(s) for educator appraisals for the 2019-20 school year.
7. Consideration and possible action to approve local stipends.
8. Consideration and possible action to approve the consent agenda:
8.a. Minutes of the March 16th and 23rd meetings
8.b. Revenue/Expenditure Reports
8.c. Athletic & Tax Receipts
8.d. Board training hours
9. Consideration of personnel:
9.a. Employ teacher(s), teacher/coach(es)
9.b. Proposed renewal and/or nonrenewal of term contract teachers, counselors, librarian, and nurse
9.c. Proposed renewal and/or terminating of probationary contract teachers
10. Adjournment