March 21, 2022 at 7:30 PM - DeKalb ISD Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Pledge of Allegiance
Open Forum
Call Meeting to Order
Roll Call
New Business
1. Presentation DeKalb ISD Innovative Programs: ACE- ASL and Archery
Action Items
The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are as follows: (Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on this meeting notice) |
1. Consent Adgenda
1.a. Financial Statements / Bills
1.b. Approval of Minutes
2. Information Items
2.a. Superintendent Report
3. Consider and Approve Changing the Name of DeKalb Middle School to James L. Germany Middle School
4. Consider and Approve the Naming of DeKalb ISD's Football Stadium to Gerald Pinkham Stadium
5. Prevailing Wage Rate for Renovations Project for the Middle School and High School Gym
6. Consider and Approve Armstrong Steel Contract for the Locker Room Addition Project
7. Approve the Probationary 12-month Contract
Approve the Probationary 12-month Contract 2022-2023:
Shane McCall |
8. Approve 12 month Term Contract - Counselor
Approve the 12-month Term Counselor contract for 2022-2023:
Lea Dooley |
9. Approve Dual-Year 12-month Teacher Contract
Approve Dual-Year 12-month Term Teacher Contract for 2022-2024:
Michael White |
10. Approve 12-month Teacher Contracts
Term 12-month Teacher Contract for 2022-2023
Keith Westbrook |
11. Approve Administrator Contracts
Presenting Dual-Year Term 12-month Administrator Contracts for 2022-2024:
Melinda Hodgson Cody Burgin Clayton Little Jessica Burgin |
12. Consider Delegating Hiring Authority to the Superintendent for Teachers from April 1, 2022 - August 31, 2022
13. Consider and Discuss Approval of a 4-day School Week for 2022-2023 School Year
14. Executive Session
The Board was called into Executive session in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Government Code Chapter 551.074 Subchapter D and E.