June 23, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Pledge: Bob Stevenson
2. Opening Remarks by the Superintendent
3. Citizens Participation
4. Public Hearing
4.A. Public Hearing on the Proposed FY 2015 Spring Branch ISD Budget
5. Adoption of Policy
5.A. Adoption of (LEGAL) and (LOCAL) Policies - TASB Policy Update 99
6. Action
6.A. Request for Approval of the FY 2015 Budget
6.B. Request for Approval of the Revised 2014-2015 Campus Staffing Definitions and Guidelines
6.C. Request for Approval of the 2014-2015 Compensation Plan
6.D. Request for Approval of Health Insurance Rates for the 2014-2015 School Year
7. Consent Agenda Action Items
7.A. Request for Approval of Budget Status Summary Report with Budget Amendment as of May 31, 2014
7.B. Request for Approval of Facility Improvement Program Monthly Status Report with Project Budget Changes as of May 31, 2014
7.C. Request for Approval of Contract Awards
7.D. Request for Approval of Re-Financing for the Johnson Controls Performance Contract Services with All American Investment Group, LLC (AAIG)
7.E. Request for Approval of Japanese Institute of Houston Lease Agreement
7.F. Request for Approval for the Board of Trustees, Superintendent, and Senior Staff to Attend Professional Conferences/Training Opportunities for 2014-2015
7.G. Request for Approval of the FY 2014 Final Amended Budget and Designation of Fund Balances
7.H. Request for Approval of Construction Management At Risk (CM @ Risk) Delivery Process for the Spring Branch Education Center Addition, Renovations and Possible Transitioning
7.I. Request for Approval of a Blanket Easement for the New Rummel Creek Elementary School
7.J. Request for Approval of Campus Fundraisers for the 2014-2015 School Year
7.K. Request for Approval of Required Yearly District School Health Advisory Council Report
7.L. Request for Approval of 2014-2015 Off-Campus Health Fitness Waivers
7.M. Request for Approval of Acceptance of Grant Awards
7.N. Request for Approval of Acceptance of Gifts
7.O. Request for Approval of Payroll and Operating Expenses - May 2014
7.P. Request for Approval of Tax Overpayment Refunds (Sec. 31.11)
7.Q. Request for Approval of Minutes for School Board Meetings
7.Q.1. May 8, 2014 - Committee of the Whole Meeting
7.Q.2. May 12, 2014 - Workshop Meeting
7.Q.3. May 19, 2014 - Special Meeting
7.Q.4. May 19, 2014 - Regular Meeting
7.Q.5. May 20, 2014 - Special Meeting - Board Reorganization
8. Discussion
8.A. HB 5 - Community and Student Engagement
9. Closing Remarks by the Superintendent
10. Meeting Adjourned