August 12, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Workshop
Agenda |
1. Opening Remarks by the Superintendent
2. Second Reading
2.A. Second Reading - Consideration and Possible Action on Proposed Amendments of Policy: DH (LOCAL) EMPLOYEE STANDARDS OF CONDUCT
2.B. Second Reading - Consideration and Possible Action on Proposed Amendments of Policy: DHE (LOCAL) EMPLOYEE STANDARDS OF CONDUCT, SEARCHES AND ALCOHOL/DRUG TESTING
2.C. Second Reading of TASB Policy Update 97 - Consideration and Possible Action on Proposed Amendments to Policy: CNA (LOCAL) - TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT, STUDENT TRANSPORTATION
3. Discussion
3.A. Discussion of Norm-Referenced Testing
3.B. Discussion of House Bill 5
3.C. Discussion of Bonded Debt Update
4. Closing Remarks by the Superintendent
5. Meeting Adjourned