April 13, 2015 at 6:00 PM - REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING
Agenda |
III.1. Los Fresnos High School
III.1.C. Powerlifting Teams
IV.1. Financial Reports:
IV.1.A. Portfolio Report
IV.1.B. Tax Collection Report
IV.1.C. Summary Revenue and Expenditure Status Reports
IV.1.D. Budget Adjustments
IV.2. Budget & Tax Calendar 2015-2016
IV.3. 2015 Summer School Programs
V. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: (Comments and/or statements must be made in a constructive and courteous fashion pursuant to Robert's Rules of Order and Board Policy.)
VI.1. Consider and Approve Minutes for Meeting/s held on March 9, 2015.
VI.2. Consider and Approve Ad-Valorem Tax Refunds for the Month of March, 2015.
VI.3. Consider and Renew Agreements/Contracts for Property Insurance, CSP #13-14-35, with Certain Underwriters at Lloyds, London, Shepard Walton King, Agent, and Equipment Breakdown Insurance, Travelers Insurance, Shepard Walton King, Agent, Effective May 15, 2015.
VII.1. Discuss and Take Action to Approve a Property Damage Settlement Offer Agreement With Am Trust North America.
VII.2. Discuss and Take Action to Extend Depository Agreement with Wells Fargo Bank NA for Two Additional Years.
VII.3. Discuss and Take Action to Accept Substantially Complete-Pavement Rehabilitation of the Los Cuates Middle School and Stadium Parking Areas.
VII.4. Discuss and Take Action to Approve Revisions to Board Operating Procedures.
VII.5. Discuss and Take Action as Necessary to Approve Application for Expedited and General State Waivers.
VII.6. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action as Necessary to Approve the Superintendent's Personnel Recommendation/s for the Following Position/s for the 2014-2015 School Year.
VII.6.A. Teacher/s
VII.6.B. CTE Director
VIII. CLOSED SESSION: Pursuant to Section 551.071, 551.072, 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
VIII.1. Discuss all Items as Appropriate on Personnel Recommendations.
VIII.2. Discussion With General Counsel Regarding Property Damage Settlement Offer by Am Trust North America.
VIII.3. Discuss with Legal Counsel Regarding Appeal No. 03-14-00629-CV; In the Third Judicial District Court of Appeals, Austin, Texas.
VIII.4. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Bids of the Following Properties Struck off to Cameron County for Itself and Other Taxing Jurisdictions from a Tax Resale held on November 4, 2014.
VIII.4.A. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract 1: Lot 55 and 56, Block 1, Casa del Rey Subdivision, Cameron County, Texas, According to the Map or Plat Thereof, Recorded in volume 1, Page 415-B, Map Records of Cameron County, Texas. (Acct. No. 74-0080-0010-0550-00) and Tract 2: Abst 2-Casa del Rey Section I Lots 55 & 56 Blk 1 **Bldg Only**
(Acct. No. 74-0080-0010-0550-01) |
VIII.4.B. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 16, Block 1, Marty's Acres No. 2, A Subdivision in Cameron County, Texas, According to the Map or Plat Thereof, Recorded in Cabinet 1, Slot 751-A, Map Records of Cameron County, Texas.
(Acct. No. 90-5600-0000-0160-00) |
VIII.4.C. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 35, 36, 37, 38, and 39, Block 7, Del-Mar Heights, an Addition in Cameron County, Texas According to the Map or Plat Thereof, Recorded in Volume 19, Page 36, Map Records of Cameron County, Texas.
(Account No. 74-5600-0070-0350-00) |
VIII.4.D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 0.56 Acre, More or Less, out of Block 212, Fresnos Land and Irrigation Co. Subdivision, A Subdivision in Cameron County, Texas, According to the Map or Plat Thereof, Recorded in Volume 3, Pages 9 and 9-A, Map Records of Cameron County, Texas.
(Acct. No. 75-0212-0000-0105-00) |
VIII.4.E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that Certain Tract of Land Out of Block 5, San Jose Ranch Subdivision, Cameron County, Texas, Being the East 1.475 Acres, More or Less, According to the Map or Plat Thereof, Recorded in Volume 13, Page 14, Map Records of Cameron County, Texas; Save & Except However, the East 7.58 Feet Thereof as Conveyed as Part of Property in Volume 7142, Page 112, Official Records of Cameron County, Texas.
(Acct. No.: 79-1700-0030-0051-00) |
VIII.4.F. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract 2: Lot 6, Block 7, Magic Valley Farms Subdivision, Cameron County, Texas, According to the Map or Plat Thereof, Recorded in Cabinet 1, Page 298B, Map Records of Cameron County, Texas.
(Acct. No.: 76-5465-0070-0060-00) |
VIII.4.G. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract 4: Lot 3, Block 2, Magic Valley Farms Subdivision, Cameron County, Texas, According to the Map or Plat Thereof, Recorded in Cabinet 1, Page 298B, Map Records of Cameron County, Texas.
(Acct. No.: 76-5465-0020-0031-00) |
IX.1. Discuss and Take Possible Action to Approve the Superintendent's Personnel Recommendations.
IX.2. Discussion and Possible Action on the Resolution Approving the Bids Received from the Tax Resale Held on November 4, 2014 for the Above Referenced Property.
XIV. Monthly Disbursements
XV. Consider and Approve Budget Amendment #9 for Fiscal Year 2014-2015.
XVI. Discuss and Take Action as Necessary to Approve the Instructional School Calendar for the 2015-2016 School Year.
XVII. Discuss and Take Action to Approve Special Education Data Management System (IEP Plus-Sungard).
XVIII. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 2.00 Acres, More or Less, Situated in Block 14, Section 2, Harris-Gentry Subdivision, Share 28, Espiritu Santo Grant, A Subdivision in Cameron County, Texas, as Described in Deed Dated September 16, 1981, From Jose N. Carrisalez, Trustee to Juan Costilla, in Volume 1262, Page 247, Deed Records of Cameron County, Texas.
(Acct. No.: 75-5020-0140-0121-00) |
XIX. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 31, Block 2, Arroyo City Annex Subdivision and Mobile Home Park "A", A Subdivision in Cameron County, Texas, According to the Map or Plat Thereof, Recorded in Volume 15, Page 54, Map Records of Cameron County, Texas.
(Acct. No.: 73-1760-0020-0310-00) |