April 9, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
Presiding Officer
II. Invocation
III. Open Forum for Public Input:
Time is set aside to hear comments from the audience regarding agenda items or other topics of general nature
IV. Spotlight on Excellence - Recognition of Elementary School
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Approve Minutes for Regular Meeting on March 19, 2012
V.B. Approve Minutes for Special Called Meeting on March 26, 2012
V.C. Approve Minutes for Special Called Meeting on March 27, 2012
V.D. Approve Minutes of Special Called Meeting on March 29, 2012
VI. Review District Goals and Approve District Plan for 2012-13 School Year
Joyce Sloan
VII. Discuss/Approve Revenue/Expenditure Report for March and Quarterly Investment Report
Joyce Sloan and Melinda Benson
VIII. Discuss/Approve proposed item for the 2012-13 budget
Joyce Sloan and Melinda Benson
IX. Discuss/Approve Resolution Concerning High Stakes, Standardized Testing of Texas Public School Students
Joyce Sloan
X. Closed Session: The Board shall convene in closed session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act: LEGAL, REAL ESTATE, AND/OR PERSONNEL (Discussion in Closed Session, Action in Open Session, as per Texas Government Code Chapter 551, Sections 071,072, 073, 074, 075, 076, 082, 083, 084)
Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074 to consider the following: Personnel - Consider Lone Finalist for Superintendent, consider contract for Athletic Director, consider contracts for Administrators and consider contracts for teachers, nurses, counselors and library-media specialist
School Board
XI. Action as a result of closed session
Joyce Sloan and Board Members
XI.A. Board announces Lone Finalist for Superintendent
XI.B. Approve 2012-13 contracts:
XI.B.1. Athletic Director as presented
XI.B.2. Administrators as presented
XI.B.3. Teachers/Nurses/Library-Media Specialist/Counselors as presented
XI.C. Any other possible action as a result of closed session
XII. Discuss/Approve items for May agenda
Joyce Sloan and Board Members
XIII. Adjournment
Board Members