November 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call To Order
David Lear, Vice President
II. Determine a Quorum
III. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags
IV. Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection
David Lear, Vice President
V. Board Member Reports
V.A. President's Report
Forrest Collins, President
V.B. Superintendent's Report
Susan K. Bohn, Superintendent
V.C. Strategic Partners - Aledo Education Foundation, Aledo ISD PTO, AdvoCats Report
Jennifer Taylor, Secretary & Jeremy Pruett, Trustee
V.D. Legislative Subcommittee Report
David Lear, Vice President
V.E. Bond Progress & Planning Subcommittee Report
Zachary Tarrant, Trustee
VI. Campus Presentation - Early Childhood Academy and Aledo Middle School
Christy Tolbert, Principal of Early Childhood Academy; Mandy Musselwhite, Principal of Aledo Middle School
VII. Commendations
VII.A. Bearcats of Character- Integrity- Joana Zenteno, Aledo High School/Daniel Ninth Grade; Addison Cunningham, Aledo Learning Center; Marcella Cable, Aledo High School/Daniel Ninth Grade; AJ Myser, Aledo Middle School; Weston Johnson, McAnally Middle School; Max Lever, Annetta Elementary School; Holland Diatto, Coder Elementary School; Dakota Palfy, McCall Elementary School; Kensington Campbell, McKinney Elementary School; Slade Reeves, Stuard Elementary School; Tanner Selman, Vandagriff Elementary School; Judson Simpson, Walsh Elementary School, Makynleigh Lella, Early Childhood Academy
VII.B. Varsity Boys Cross Country State Qualifiers: Tyler Connelly, Jack Fink, Ian Robbins, Dominick Barrera, Landon Eaton, Luke Schabel, Thatcher Pettit
VII.C. Varsity Girls Cross Country Bronze Medalists: Molly Garrison, Micah Neal, Mykel Murry, Sofia Brandenburg, Madison Larsen, Mayden Mitchell, Kjersten Loy
VII.D. Featured Collaborative Team: 3rd Grade Walsh Elementary- Jennifer Campbell, Linda Capps, Cassidy Lindell, Ashley Stephenson, and Jennifer Watkins
VIII. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Item
David Lear, Vice President
IX. Public Comment on Agenda Item
David Lear, Vice President
X. Consent Agenda
David Lear, Vice President
X.A. Consider Approval of Board Minutes
X.B. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Reports
X.C. Consider Approval of Class Size Waivers
X.D. Consider Approval of Vendor Lists for Requests for Proposal 2410-14, 2410-15, and 2410-16
XI. Communication Items
XI.A. District Instructional Focus
Ingia Saxton, Assistant Superintendent of Student and Community Programs; Angie Wilkinson, Director of Advanced Academics and Career & Technical Education. Tim Rogers, CTE Coordinator; Chris Tondre, Agricultural Coordinator
XI.A.1. 2024-2025 Career & Technical Education Update
XI.B. 2023 Bond Update
Chris Campbell, Chief Facilities and Construction Officer
XI.C. District Secure Key Boxes
Chris Campbell, Chief Facilities and Construction Officer
XI.D. Aledo ISD 89th Legislative Session Priorities
Aledo ISD Board Legislative Subcommittee- Forrest Collins, David Lear, and Jim Scott
XII. Action Items
XII.A. Consider Approval of Resolution Electing Candidate(s) for the Parker County Appraisal District Board of Directors
Earl Husfeld, Chief Financial Officer
XII.B. Consider Approval of Resolution Electing Candidate(s) for the Tarrant County Appraisal District Board of Directors
Earl Husfeld, Chief Financial Officer
XIII. Executive Session
David Lear, Vice President
XIII.A. Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters- The Board will discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public employees or officials. (This may involve consultation with attorney as permitted under Section 551.071)
XIII.A.1. Superintendent Performance Update
XIII.B. Section 551.071 & 551.129 - Consultation with Attorney- The Board will discuss and receive legal advice from its attorney on matters which should be confidential under Texas Government Code Section 551.071
XIII.C. Section 551.072 - Deliberation Regarding Real Property- The Board will discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (This may involve consultation with attorney as permitted under section 551.071)
XIII.D. Section 551.0821 - School Board- The Board will discuss personally identifiable information about a public school student.
XIV. Trustee Comments/Acknowledgments
David Lear, Vice President
XV. Adjourn
David Lear, Vice President