February 22, 2024 at 7:00 AM - Called Public Hearing and Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Announcement by the Chairman Whether a Quorum is Present and that the Meeting had been Duly Called, and that Notice of the Meeting had been Posted in the Time and Manner Required by Law
I.B. Prayer
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags of the United States of America and the State of Texas
II. Recognition
II.A. Recognition of Athletes Designated to All-State Teams
II.B. Recognition of 2024 All-State Musicians
II.C. Recognition of Future Business Leaders of America State Qualifiers
III. Executive Closed Session
III.A. Consider Hiring Executive Director of Teaching and Learning for Elementary
III.B. Consider Hiring Executive Director of Teaching and Learning for Secondary
III.C. Consider Hiring Chief Financial Officer
III.D. Consultation with attorney regarding pending or contemplated litigation or matters involving attorney client privilege pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071
III.E. Deliberation on the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.072
III.F. Deliberation of appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of employees pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074
IV. Reconvene from Executive Closed Session
IV.A. Action Relevant to Items Covered During Closed Session
V. Trustee Comments
VI. Public Hearing
VI.A. 2023 Texas Academic Performance Report
VII. Citizen Comments
VIII. Financials
VIII.A. Approval of Budget Summary Report for the Month Ending December 31, 2023, Budget Amendments and Budget Transfers for the Month of December 2023, Statement of Taxes Collected for the Month Ending December 31, 2023, and the Investment Report for the Period of December 1 through December 31, 2023
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Consider Board Approval of Minutes for the Special Called Meeting held January 16, 2024, and the Regular Meeting and Workshop held January 25, 2024
X. Academic Action Items
X.A. Approval of Resolution for Extracurricular Status of 4H Organization
X.B. Approval of Head Start Carryover Application
X.C. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Angelo State University for Dual Credit Program
XI. Administrative Action Items
XI.A. Approval of Annual Review of Investment Policy
XI.B. Approval of Audit Agreement for External Auditor for the District
XI.C. Consideration and Approval of Additional 2024 General Election Items
XI.C.1. Consideration and possible appointment of Roxzine Stinson as Central Count Manager, Karyn Cruz as Tabulation Supervisor, and Beth Bender as Central County Presiding Judge.
Considerar el posible nombramiento de Roxzine Stinson como la Administradora del conteo central, a Karyn Cruz como Supervisora de la tabulación y a Beth Bender como el Juez actuante del conteo central. |
XI.C.2. Consideration and possible appointment of Vanessa Huizar, Sandy Salazar, Aaron Frodsham, and LanguageUSA as Bilingual Election Clerks for the May 4, 2024, election.
Considerar el posible nombramiento de Vanessa Huizar, Sandy Salazar, Aaron Frodsham y LanguageUSA como secretarios electorales bilingües para las elecciones del día 4 de mayo de 2024. |
XI.C.3. Consideration and possible appointment of Ronny Gallaher as Early Voting Ballot Board Judge and Beth Shapiro as Alternate Early Voting Ballot Board Judge for the May 4, 2024, election.
Considerar el posible nombramiento de Ronny Gallaher como el Juez del Consejo para la votación adelantada y a Beth Shapiro como la Juez suplente del Consejo para la votación adelantada para las elecciones del día 4 de mayo de 2024. |
XI.C.4. Consideration and possible appointment of Judges and Rovers for each Vote Center for Election Day as shown on Exhibit 1.
Considerar el posible nombramiento de los siguientes jueces y ayudantes para cada uno de los centros electorales el día de las elecciones según se indica en el Anexo A. |
XI.C.5. Consideration and possible approval of Resolution to Adopt Use of Hart Intercivic Verity Duo Controller version 2.5.3, the Hart Verity Duo Writer version 2.5.3, the Hart Verity Scanner version 2.5.2, and the Hart Verity Duo GO for the May 4, 2024, election.
Consideración y possible aprobación de la resolución para adopter el uso del controlador Hart Intercivic Verity Duo version 2.5.3, el Hart Verity Duo Writer version 2.5.3, el Hart Verity Scanner version 2.5.2 y el Hart Verity Duo GO para el 4 de mayo de 2024 elección. |
XI.D. Approval of Resolutions Regarding the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program Applications to the Office of the Governor
XI.E. Approval of Resolution Regarding Volunteer Chaplains Under Senate Bill 763
XII. Procurement and Contracts
XII.A. Approval of District Purchases
XII.B. Approval of District Construction Purchases
XII.C. Approval of District Construction Contract Renewals
XII.D. Approval of Construction Job Order Contracting Delivery Method and Delegation of Authority
XII.E. Approval of Construction Manager at Risk Delivery Method and Delegation of Authority
XIII. Executive Closed Session
XIII.A. Deliberation Regarding Administrative Contracts for the 2024-2025 School Year
XIII.B. Deliberation Regarding Termination of Void Probationary Contract of Principal
XIII.C. Consultation with attorney regarding pending or contemplated litigation or matters involving attorney client privilege pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071
XIII.D. Deliberation on the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.072
XIII.E. Deliberation of appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of employees pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074
XIV. Reconvene from Executive Closed Session
XIV.A. Action Relevant to Items Covered During Closed Session
XV. Adjournment