December 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 5:00 P.M.
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge
3. Moment of Silence
4. Public Hearing: Public Report Highly Qualified for 2014-2015
5. Public Hearing: To Discuss the Alice Independent School District 2015 State Financial Accountability Rating
6. Approval of Minutes
6.A. Minutes Regular Board Meeting - November 9, 2015
6.B. Minutes Special Board Meeting - November 17, 2015
7. Public to Speak
(Participants may address the board on any item on the agenda or any other topic. If the topic deals with
personnel it is imperative that personnel related comments be withheld for the executive session part of the agenda. The board's function at this time is to listen to comments. Formal action cannot be taken. If anyone has any comments, please state your name, the group you represent, if any, and make your statement within a three to five minute time limit.)
8. Action Items
8.A. Approval/Award Contracts for Special Education Services
* RFP 16-01 Occupational Therapy Services * RFP 16-02 Speech Therapy Services * RFP 16-03 Physical Therapy Services * RFP 16-04 Psychological Services |
8.B. Approval/Payment Application #4 for Johnson Controls Inc. for Energy Savings Performance Contract
8.C. Approval/2015-2016 District and Campus Improvement Plans Goals & Objectives
9. Informational Items
9.A. Reporting Continuing Education Training Hours for Trustees (HB 2563)
9.B. Budgeted/Expended Comparison Summary Update
9.C. Texas Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Audit Results
9.D. City of Alice Presentation-Extension of Houston St. to Flournoy St.
9.E. Board Project Updates
9.F. Fall Sports Banquet KC Hall, December 17, 2015, 6:30 P.M.
9.G. Winter Break December 21, 2015-Jan 1, 2016
10. Closed or executive meeting or session called in accordance with the following provisions set forth in the Texas Government Code:
10.A. Section 551.074 - Personnel
10.A.1. Deliberate with Superintendent regarding personnel matters, including abandonment of contract issue.
10.B. Section 551.071 - Litigation
11. Board to reconvene in open meeting or session to consider and take action as necessary on items discussed in closed or executive session.
12. Action Item
12.A. Consider and take possible action to report certified educator for abandonment of contract, or accept employee resignation.
13. Adjourn