August 14, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Invocation
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Welcome visitors
4. Adopt agenda
5. Approve minutes of previous meeting
6. Discussion of finance reports
7. Consider proposal for the 2012 tax rate and notice of public meeting to disucss budget and proposed tax rate, August 28, 2012 at 6:00 PM
8. Consider beverage contract
9. Consider local PDAS appraisers and appraisal Calendar for 2012-2013 SY
10. Consider resolution regarding Ellis County 4-H program and appointing Ellis County Extension Agents as Adjunct Staff Members for 2012-2013 SY
11. Consider Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between County of Ellis and Ennis ISD for 2012-13 SY
12. Consider waiver for early release days
13. Consider code of conduct and student handbooks for 2012-2013 SY
14. Consider Official Delegate and Alternate designation for the 2012 TASB Delegate Assembly held September 29, 2012
15. Superintendent report: District activities
16. Closed session:
16.A. Assignment, reassignment and resignation of personnel
16.B. Employment of Assistant Principals for Lummus Intermediate and EHS, teachers, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Administration
17. Adjourn