March 20, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance led by students of Austin Elementary and ECC Crockett
2. Welcome visitors
3. Adopt agenda
4. Approve minutes of previous meeting
5. Discussion of finance reports
6. Consider tax refunds over $2,500
7. Consider Joint Election Agreement between City of Ennis and Ennis ISD
8. Consider instructional materials allotment for SY 2012-2013
9. Consider SY 2012-2013 Attendance Calendar
10. Consider on first reading amendment to Policy DK(Local) Assignment and Schedule
11. Superintendent report: District activities
12. Closed session:
12.A. Assignment, resignation, evaluation and employment of personnel
12.B. Teacher contract renewals
13. Adjourn