December 14, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Establish quorum.
3. Invocation.
4. Open forum.
5. Consent Action Agenda.
5.A. Approval of minutes of November 16, 2015 Regular Meeting
5.B. Financial Items.
6. Presentations
6.A. Brennan Garner to be recognized as State Cross Country participant.
6.B. Three, 2015 District Christmas Card Winners recognized
7. Public Hearing - Overview of Blue Ridge ISD's Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) Report
8. Resolution Concerning Appointment of the Texas Commissioner of Education.
9. Discuss authorizing the Superintendent to begin architectural firm search process.
10. Discuss and take possible action on the purchase of a used, white activity bus.
11. Imformation
11.A. Announcement of continuing education credit for the Board of Trustees.
11.B. New Election Laws 2016
12. Superintendent's Comments.
12.A. Attendance.
12.B. The next board meeting will be January 11, 2016.
13. Adjournment.