September 21, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Establish quorum.
3. Invocation.
4. Open forum.
5. Consent Action Agenda.
5.A. Approval of minutes.
5.A.1. August 17, 2015, Budget Workshop.
5.A.2. August 17, 2015, Public Hearing.
5.A.3. August 17, 2015, Regular Meeting.
5.A.4. September 17, 2015, Joint Work Session.
5.B. Financial Items.
5.B.1. Amend IMA fund 410 Revenue Increase $25,556 and Expenditure Increase in same amount. These are funds that were paid in error directly from TEA to Vendor in which district had paid vendor expecting TEA to reimburse to district. Funds did not return until end of August.
5.B.2. Amend fund 199-34 Transportation to increase revenue $5,000 and expenditure $5,000 for loan proceeds from Gov't Capital for bus aesthetics.
5.B.3. Amend fund 199-41 (was 753-41) for Workman's Comp to increase expenditure $21,000 and 15-16 comp CAS/Hibbs Hallmark expenditure. (info-in error when closing the 753-41 fund for comp the expenditure funds were not set up in 199-41 as they should be.) The comp bank check account is not in need of correction..only the budget code. The balance has not been depleted.
5.B.4. Amend fund 199-81 to show the $150,000 Board Approved in August for grounds and track and field aesthetics to be set up as a revenue from committed funds and expenditures in the same amount of $150,000.
5.B.5. Amend the budget to show Bus purchase total of $103,770 Board Approved in August but will need to show in 15-16 Budget for purposes of depreciation and receipt of loan proceeds. (FYI Note: the bus payment was already set up in budget for 15-16 for the 1st payment.)
5.B.6. Amend the budget Fund 199-13 Professional Development to accommodate Technology Convention expenses. Revenue adjustment $8,000 and expenditure $8,000.
5.B.7. Amend 199-81 Construction Projects to show Revenue $31,000 and expenditure $31,000 to pay for Spectrum for scoreboard paid for by donations.
5.B.8. Financial Reports.
6. Presentations.
6.A. Administrative Presentations.
6.A.1. Revolutionizing Learning Conference.
6.A.2. Report on Instructional Materials Allotment.
6.A.3. Professional Development.
6.B. Campus Presentations.
6.B.1. Blue Ridge High School.
6.B.2. Blue Ridge Middle School
6.B.3. Blue Ridge Elementary School.
7. Information Items.
7.A. Football Stadium Construction Update.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Committee.
9. Discuss Potential Bond Refunding Program and Consider Adopting an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Refunding Bonds, Establishing the Parameters for the Refunding and Delegating Authority to the Administration to Complete the Refunding.
10. Review and consider approval for resolution for a service contract with ETC (Eligibility Tracking Calculators, LLC) to handle reporting of the Affordable Care Act mandatory requirements to the IRS.
11. Discuss and consider nomination of candidate(s) by resolution for the Board of Directors for Fannin Central Appraisal District.
12. Discuss and consider approval for change in Board Policy EIA(LOCAL).
13. Consider and approve district workman's compensation carrier, Hibbs Hallmark / Claims Administrative Services, to have authorized signers on the BRISD workman's compensation bank account for debit(s) and credit(s). HH/CAS authorized representatives will be: Patrick Flannelly, President / PCS (CAS), William Costanza, President (CAS), and Barry Jones, President, (CAS).
14. Discuss District Facilities.
15. Superintendent's Comments.
15.A. Attendance.
15.B. TASA/TASB Convention October 2 - 4, 2015.
15.C. Homecoming September 25, 2015.
15.D. Next Board Meeting October 19, 2015.
16. Closed Session.
16.A. Personnel 551.074
17. Adjournment.