August 17, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Establish quorum.
3. Invocation.
4. Open forum.
5. Consent Action Agenda.
5.A. Approval of minutes for July 20, 2015 Regular Meeting and July 23, 2015, Training Meeting.
5.B. Financial Reports.
5.B.1. Discuss and take possible action regarding approval to adjust the 14-15 General Fund Budget.
5.B.1.a. 13-Curriculum Over 45% move from other salaries (due to coding of elem & MS/HS curriculum staff for July and August)
5.B.1.b. 71-General Debts/Notes Over 2% $1800 due to accrued balance on payoff
5.B.1.c. 81-Gen Oper/Constr./Renovation/Repairs over 73% $37,000 due to unknown expenses during 14-15 PLUS inclusive of $13,500 bid for on demand if can be repaired before 8/31/2015.
6. Presentations.
6.A. Administrative Presentations.
6.A.1. Student/Employee Responsible Use Agreement.
6.A.2. Overview of website reconstruction.
6.A.3. Surveys - teacher, student, parent.
6.A.4. Social media accounts.
6.A.5. Accountability.
7. To review and consider motion to adopt 2015 tax rate.
8. Discuss and take possible action regarding the 2015 Budget.
9. Review and consider approval to amend /increase expenditures to the 14-15 Budget to reflect use of M&O Committed Fund in the amount of $150,000 for grounds aesthetics and equipment as needed and to authorize Superintendent to approve such expenditures.
10. Discuss and consider approval of Kenneth Maun, Tax Assessor Collector, 2015 collection rate will be 100%.
11. Discuss and take possible action to purchase a new Activity Bus.
12. Discuss and take possible action regarding adopting local schedule PW (Public Works and Services) as part of the BRISD retention schedules.
13. Review and consider authorization to update TEXPOOL Bond Construction account to sync with new depository Independent Bank and update and delete TEXPOOL authorizations according to new board re-organization.
14. Discuss and take possible action concerning Legislative Session - Required Training for Board Continuing Education Units (CEU)---Sunnyvale ISD, September 8, 2015
15. Superintendent's Comments.
15.A. Football Stadium Construction Update.
15.B. TASA/TASB Convention October 2 - 4, 2015.
15.C. Community Schools Transformation Alliance (CSTA) hosted by BRISD on November 12, 2015.
15.D. Community Schools Transformation Alliance (CSTA)- Texas A & M Commerce January 21, 2016.
16. Personnel.
17. Closed Session.
17.A. School Security, 551.076.
18. Adjournment.