April 20, 2009 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Establish quorum.
3. Invocation.
4. Open forum.
5. Consent Action Agenda.
5.A. Approval of Minutes.
5.A.1. Regular Meeting - March 23, 2009.
5.B. Business Office Report.
5.B.1. Disbursements for the month of April.
5.B.2. Financial Report.
6. Accelerated Reading Program Presentation.
7. Discuss and consider resolution recognizing State Championship of Michael Ladner.
8. R4 Group Presentation - Portrait of a Graduate Results Presentation.
9. District/Campus Accountability Criteria Presentation.
10. Discuss and consider amending previously approved dates for Board Training.
11. Discuss and consider date of May 18, 2009 (regular scheduled Board Meeting) to CANVASS Ballots from the May 9th Trustee Election.
12. Discuss dissemination of data regarding 2008-2009 NCLB Report Card.
13. Discuss and consider approval for Superintendent to proceed to sell district-owned items no longer in use.
14. Superintendent's Comments.
15. Closed Session Section 551.0774.
15.A. Personnel.
15.A.1. Employment.
16. Adjournment.