January 21, 2008 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Establish quorum
3. Invocation
4. Open forum
5. Consent Action Agenda
5.A. Approval of Minutes
5.A.1. Special Meeting - January 11, 2008
5.A.2. Special Meeting - January 14, 2008
5.B. Business Office Report
5.B.1. Disbursements for the month of January
5.B.2. Financial Report
6. Discuss and consider adoption of Local Policy FB (Equal Educational Opportunity) policy change
7. Discuss and consider adoption of Local Policy DAA (Employment Objectives Equal Employment Opportunity) policy change
8. Discuss and consider adoption of Local Policy DC (Employment Practices) policy change
9. Review Exhibit FFG (Student Welfare Child Abuse and Neglect)
10. Discuss and consider Election Polling Place
11. Discuss and consider action on any and all matters incidental and construction related items regarding buildings and/or other improvements.
11.A. Cafetorium
11.B. Concession Stand
11.C. Ag Shop
11.D. Greenhouse
11.E. Softball Lights
12. Superintendent's Comments
12.A. Calendar
12.B. Technology Survey
12.C. TASA Mid-Winter Conference
12.D. TAKS Family Night
12.E. Report Cards
13. Adjournment.