May 28, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Special
Agenda |
I. Invocation and Pledge
II. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
Announcement by the presiding officer that a quorum is present, the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
III. Public Comment
IV. Items for Discussion or Action
IV.A. Consider Field House Bids
IV.B. Consider Bids for Qualifications for Construction Manager at Risk for the 2013 Bond
IV.C. Consider Architect for Bond Project
IV.D. Consider Donation of Bus
IV.E. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Purchase of the Following Real Property and Any Improvements Thereon From the A.K. Guthrie 2006 Revocable Trust, by Co-Trustees Mark L. Morgan, Ben Ella Stewart and Glynna Mouton: The surface estate and water rights only and improvements thereto of approximately 268 acres out of Property in Howard County, Texas described as follows: 269.29 acres out of a 429.29 acre tract out of Sect. 130, Blk. 29. W.& N.W. R.R. Co. Survey, Cert. 3/675, Abst. 1407, Pat. 14, Vol. 40-A, dated June 29, 1928. (Now surveyed as approximately 270.93 acres)
V. Personnel
V.A. Resignations
V.B. Teacher Contracts
VI. Adjournment