August 9, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Invocation and Pledge
II. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
Announcement by the presiding officer that a quorum is present, the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
III. Public Comment
IV. Recognition of Visitors
V. Items for Discussion or Action
V.A. Administrators' Report
V.A.1. JH/HS Principal
V.A.1.a. Student Handbook
V.A.1.b. College-Career-Military Readiness Board Outcome Goal
V.A.1.c. Consider Student Code of Conduct
V.A.2. Elementary Principal
V.A.2.a. Student Handbook
V.A.2.b. Early Childhood Literacy Board Outcome Goal
V.A.3. Superintendent
V.A.3.a. Accountability Ratings
V.A.3.b. Facilities Update
V.A.3.c. Preview of Future Agenda Items
V.A.3.d. Goal Brainstorming
V.B. Consent Agenda
V.B.1. Minutes of the June 14, 2021
V.B.2. Monthly Financial
V.B.2.a. Rev & Exp Report
V.B.2.b. Investment Report
V.B.2.c. Activity Report
V.B.2.d. List of Bills
V.B.3. Teacher Appraisers for 2021-2022 (T-TESS)
V.B.4. Teacher Appraisal Calendar for 2021-2022
V.B.5. Principal Appraiser for 2021-2022 (T-PESS)
V.B.6. Adjunct Faculty
V.B.7. Attorney Retainer Program
V.B.8. Purchasing Cooperative Interlocal Agreements
V.B.9. Property/Casualty and Workers Comp Insurance
V.B.10. Property Value/Funding Lag Concept Discussion
V.B.11. Proposed Budget for 2021-2022
V.B.12. Proposed Tax Rate for 2021-2022
V.B.13. Delegate to Superintendent Authority to Obligate the School District Under TEC,48.257 & TEC, Chapter 49, A&D (Equalization of Wealth)
V.C. Set Date for Public Hearing to Adopt Budget and Tax Rate
V.D. Old Field House Discussion and Change Order
V.E. Safe Return to School Plan
VI. Personnel
VI.A. Hiring / Resignations
VI.B. District of Innovation Permits
VII. Adjournment