May 15, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order (6:00 P.M.)
2. Prayer
3. Pledge- Tristen Brooks, Ninth Grade Student
4. Roll Call (Board Members and Administrators)
5. Audience (Special Guests and Visitors)
6. Student and Staff Recognition
6.A. Employee of the Month
6.B. Student of the Month
6.C. Presentation from Arklatex Bike Challenge
7. Open Forum
8. Reports
8.A. Financial Report (Darla Moss)
8.B. Superintendent Report (Ben Carson)
8.B.1. Proposed Sale of Hwy 59 Property
8.C. Annual SHAC Report (Jennifer Black)
9. Consent Agenda Items
9.A. Consider Minutes from April 17, 2014
9.B. Consider Expenditures for April, 2014
9.C. Consider Investment Report
9.D. Consider Transfer Students for 2013-2014
9.E. Consider Purchase of 2014 Chevrolet Traverse for district travel
10. Regular Business
10.A. Canvass Votes for the May 10, 2014 Board of Trustees Election (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.B. Review and Administer Certificate of Election and Oath of Office to New Board Members (Lisa Barabas, Notary Public)
10.C. Election of Officers for the Liberty-Eylau Board of Trustees for 2014-2015 (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.D. Review and Consider Second Reading Policy Update 99, Affecting Local Policies (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.D.1. BDD (Local): Board Internal Organization-Attorney
10.D.2. BP (Local): Administrative Regulations
10.D.3. CFEA (Local): Payroll Procedures-Salary Deductions and Reductions
10.D.4. CK (Local): Safety Program/Risk Management
10.D.5. DAC (Local): Employment Objectives-Objective Criteria for Personnel Decisions
10.D.6. EHDC (Local): Alternative Methods for Earning Credit-Credit by Examination Without Prior Instruction
10.D.7. FFF (Local): Student Welfare-Student Safety
10.D.8. FFH (Local): Student Welfare-Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
10.E. Review and Consider Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Bowie County Sheriff's Office (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.F. Review and Consider Second Reading of EIF (local) regarding graduation (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.G. Review and Consider Merging Campus 104, L-E Intermediate, with Campus 041, L-E Middle School (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.H. Review and Consider Financial Audit Proposal (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.I. Review and Consider Purchase of Special Ed Bus in the amount of $90,692.00 (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.J. Review and Consider Budget Amendment (Darla Moss, Presenter)
10.K. Review and Consider First Reading of FMF (Local) regarding student activities (Rick Fowler, Presenter)
10.L. Review and Consider Five Year Contract with Coca Cola (Ben Carson, Presenter)
11. Adjournment to Closed or Executive Session Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.00 et.seq.
11.A. Discussing or deliberating appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee (551.074)
11.A.1. Personnel Recommendations
11.B. Discussing or deliberating discipline of a public school child or employee complaint against another employee (551.082)
11.B.1. Level III Parent Grievance
12. Reconvene in Open Meeting
12.A. Review and Consider Personnel Items (Ben Carson, Presenter)
12.B. Review and Consider Level III Parent Greivance (Ben Carson, Presenter)
13. Information Items
13.A. Graduation, June 5, Moore's Lane Baptist, West Entrance, arrive at 6:30pm
13.B. Board Workshop and Tour Campuses, Proposed Date-June 14
13.C. Employee Luncheon/Awards, June 5, 11:30am, Media Center
14. Adjourn to Budget Workshop