May 16, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order (6:00 P.M.)
2. Prayer
3. Pledge-Abby Delaney, Kindergarten Student
4. Roll Call (Board Members and Administrators)
5. Audience (Special Guests and Visitors)
6. Staff and Student Recognition
6.A. Employee of the Month
6.B. CATE Awards
7. Open Forum
8. Reports
8.A. Financial Report (Darla Moss)
8.B. Superintendent Report (Ben Carson)
8.B.1. Safety and Access Control Proposal for Campuses
9. Consent Agenda Items
9.A. Consider Minutes from April 18, 2013 Regular Meeting
9.B. Consider Expenditures for April, 2013
9.C. Investment Report
9.D. Consider 2012-2013 Transfer Students
10. Regular Business
10.A. Canvass Votes for the May 11, 2013 Board of Trustees Election (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.B. Review and Administer Certificate of Election and Oath of Office to New Board Members (Lisa Barabas, Notary Public)
10.C. Election of Officers for the Liberty-Eylau Board of Trustees for the 2013-2014 school year (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.D. Review and Consider Second Reading FDA (local) regarding Admissions/Transfers (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.E. Review and Consider all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of Liberty-Eylau Independent School District Qualified Zone Academy Maintenance Tax Notes, Taxable Series 2013 (Tax Credit Notes), including the adoption of a resolution authorizing the issuance of such notes (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.F. Review and Consider Approval of 2013-2014 Transfer Students (Ben Carson, Presenter)
10.G. Review and Consider Bank Depository Proposals for 2013-2015 (Darla Moss, Presenter)
10.H. Review and Consider Memorandum of Understanding with Wilkerson Education Consulting to conduct salary and staffing analysis (Ben Carson, Presenter)
11. Adjournment to Closed or Executive Session Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.00 et.seq.
11.A. Discussing or deliberating appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee (551.074)
11.A.1. Personnel Recommendations
11.A.2. Teacher Probationary Contracts
12. Reconvene in Open Meeting
12.A. Review and Consider Personnel Items (Ben Carson, Presenter)
12.B. Review and Consider Teacher Probationary Contracts (Ben Carson, Presenter)
13. Information Items
13.A. Graduation, June 6, Moore's Lane Baptist, West Entrance, arrive 6:30pm
13.B. Employee Luncheon/Awards-June 7, 2013, 11:30am, LEMS Cafetorium
14. Adjourn