February 23, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order (6:00 P.M.)
2. Prayer
3. Pledge- DaMaya Smith, Third Grade Student
4. Roll Call (Board Members and Administrators)
5. Audience (Special Guests and Visitors)
6. Student and Staff Recognition
7. Open Forum
8. Reports
8.A. Investment Report (Darla Moss)
8.B. Superintendent Report (Nick Blain)
8.B.1. Enrollment Update
8.B.2. 2012-2013 Planning
8.B.3. Area 17 Jr Olympic National Qualifiers Track Meet
9. Consent Agenda Items
9.A. Consider Approval of Minutes from January 19, 2012 Regular Meeting
9.B. Consider Approval of Expenditures for January, 2012
9.C. Consider Approval of Transfer Students for 2011-2012
10. Regular Business
10.A. Review and Consider Order Calling the Board of Trustees Election for May 12, 2012 and joint election agreement with the City of Texarkana (Nick Blain, Presenter)
10.B. Review and Consider Budget Amendment (Darla Moss, Presenter)
10.C. Review and Consider applying for waiver days for early release and staff development (Nick Blain, Presenter)
10.D. Review and Consider 2012-2013 School Calendar (Nick Blain, Presenter)
10.E. Review and Consider Second Reading of Amendment to EIC (local) (Nick Blain, Presenter)
10.F. Review and Consider Resolution Supporting Texarkana College and Texas A&M University, Texarkana ( Nick Blain, Presenter)
10.G. Review and Consider applying to Ark-Tex Council of Governments in collaboration with Teen Court for funds to support Teen/Student Court at LEISD (Barry Baker, Presenter)
11. Adjournment to Closed or Executive Session Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.00 et.seq.
11.A. Discussing or deliberating appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee (551.074)
11.B. Administrator Contract Renewals
12. Reconvene in Open Meeting
12.A. Review and Consider Personnel Items (Nick Blain, Presenter)
12.B. Review and Consider Administrator Contracts (Nick Blain, Presenter)
13. Information Items
14. Adjourn