December 15, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order (6:00 P.M.)
2. Prayer
3. Pledge-Xander Hill, First Grade Student
4. Roll Call (Board Members and Administrators)
5. Audience (Special Guests and Visitors)
6. Student and Staff Recognition
7. Open Forum
8. Public Hearing-AEIS Report
9. Public Hearing-Internet Safety Policy
10. Reports
10.A. Investment Report (Darla Moss)
10.B. Superintendent Report (Nick Blain)
10.B.1. Training Opportunities
11. Consent Agenda Items
11.A. Consider Approval of minutes from November 29, 2011 Regular Meeting
11.B. Consider Approval of expenditures for November, 2011
11.C. Consider Approval of Transfer Students for 2011-2012
12. Regular Business
12.A. Review and Consider Approval of Campus Improvement Plans for 2011-2012 (Lewis Lincoln, Presenter)
12.B. Review and Consider Approval of the Second Reading of Update 91 (Nick Blain, Presenter)
12.C. Review and Consider Approval of Second Reading of Update 92 (Nick Blain, Presenter)
12.D. Review and Consider Approval of Resolution relating to eminent domain (Nick Blain, Presenter)
12.E. Review and Consider Approval of requesting an ID for a new campus (Nick Blain, Presenter)
12.F. Review and Consider Approval of Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Internet Safety Policy (Nick Blain, Presenter)
13. Adjournment to Closed or Executive Session Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.00 et.seq.
13.A. Discussing or deliberating appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee (551.074)
13.B. Employ Athletic Director
14. Reconvene in Open Meeting
14.A. Review and Consider Approval of Personnel Items (Nick Blain, Presenter)
15. Information Items
16. Report on Training Hours recieved to date for Board of Trustees and distribution of Framework for School Board Development to Superintendent and each Board Member (Christina Walker, Presenter)
17. Adjourn