February 12, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order. Upon announcement by the presiding officer that a quorum is present, the meeting will be called to order. The presiding officer will verify that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Prayer.
4. Recognitions. [District Goals #1 and 4]
4.A. "Best of West" Honorees:
4.B. West High School University Interscholastic League (UIL) State Solo and Ensemble Band Contest Honorees:
5. Public Comment.
6. Consent Agenda. Discuss and consider Board approval of the Consent Agenda. Note: These action items are considered to be routine by the School Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussions on items unless a School Board Member so requests, at which time the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. [District Goals #1-5]
6.A. Minutes of the January 8, 2025, Regular Board Meeting.
6.B. Finance and Operations Information and Reports.
6.B.I. Budget vs. Actual Report.
6.B.II. Check Register.
6.B.II.a. Payment to TEAM Solutions for $236,681.00.
6.B.III. Quarterly Investment Report.
6.B.IV. Budget Amendments.
6.B.V. Student Enrollment Report.
6.C. Department and Campus Reports.
6.C.I. 2023-2024 West ISD English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Evaluation Report.
7. Public Hearing.
7.A. 2023-2024 West ISD Annual Report to include the Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR). [District Goals #1-5]
8. Reports.
8.A. First Reading of the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Localized Board LOCAL and LEGAL Policy Manual Update 124. The LOCAL policies in Update 124 include:
9. Discussion and Action Items.
9.A. Discuss and consider Board approval of the 2023-2024 West ISD Annual Report and Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR). [District Goals #1-5]
9.B. Discuss and consider Board approval of the Resolution regarding Payment of Employees during the Emergency School Closure Period on Thursday, January 30, and Friday, January 31, 2025. [District Goals #2, 3, and 5]
9.C. Discuss and consider Board action to use the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Purchasing Cooperative Method for the procurement of Chromebooks to support the Technology Replacement Schedule for the District. [District Goals #1, 3, and 5]
9.D. Discuss and consider Board action to approve the recommended quote for the procurement of Chromebooks to support the Technology Replacement Schedule for the District. [District Goals #1, 3, and 5]
10. Closed Session. Closed Session will be held for the purposes authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq. concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including but not limited to the sections and purposes listed below.
10.A. For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee pursuant to Seciont 551.074.
10.A.I. Personnel Report.
10.A.II. 2025-2026 Certified Employee Administrator Contracts.
10.A.III. 2025-2026 New Staffing Requests.
11. Reconvene from Closed Session. The Board will reconvene for possible action relative to items considered during Closed Session.
11.A. Discuss and consider Board approval of the Personnel Report. [District Goals #1, 3, and 5]
11.B. Discuss and consider Board approval of the 2025-2026 Certified Employee Administrator Contracts. [District Goals #1-5]
11.C. Discuss and consider Board approval of the 2025-2026 New Staffing Requests. [District Goals #1, 3, and 5]
12. District Updates and Calendar Reminders. [District Goals #1-5]
12.A. District Updates:
12.B. Calendar Reminders:
13. Adjournment.
District Goal Headers: Goal #1: Educational Excellence - West ISD will maintain rigorous standards of achievement to prepare all students for graduation and post-secondary success. Goal #2: Safe and Secure Schools - West ISD will strive to ensure a safe, orderly, and supportive environment conducive to learning for all students and staff. Goal #3: Recruit and Retain Committed Educators - West ISD will actively recruit, develop, support, and retain highly-qualified staff for all positions. Goal #4: Community and Parent Involvement - West ISD will implement internal and external communication systems to engage and inform, build trust, and develop partnerships with students, staff, parents, and the community. Goal #5: Efficient and Effective Operations - West ISD will maintain efficient and effective fiscal management of resources and operations to maximize learning for all students. |