April 12, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Board Meeting to Order
2. Invocation-Karli Cherry
3. Pledge of Allegiance-Matt Buchanan
4. Public Forum
4.A. TASB Staff Survey results--Jennifer Barton
4.B. Live Oak Financial Advisors--Christian Merritt
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes from March 8, 2021
5.B. Transfer Student(s)
5.C. Financial Informational Items
6. New Business
6.A. Consider/Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between Buna ISD Police Dept and Jasper County Sheriff's Office
6.B. Consider/Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between Buna ISD and Jasper County Emergency Management
6.C. Consider/Approve Repealing the mask mandate for students and/or teachers for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.
6.D. Consider/Approve Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for 2021-2022
6.E. Consider/Approve 2021-2022 Attendance Handbook
6.F. Consider/Approve Amended Time of May Board Meeting
6.G. Consider/Approve Walsh, Gallegos' Membership Renewal
7. Informational Item-Resignations
7.A. ↵Resignations
8. Principals and Directors Reports
9. Superintendent Report
10. Executive Session 551.074
10.A. Consider/Approve Professional Contracts
10.B. Consider/Approve Recommendation for Hire-Hannah Campbell-Elementary Paraprofessional
10.C. Consider/Approve Recommendation for Hire - Dan Anne Burk - 4th Grade Social Studies/Science
10.D. Consider/Approve Recommendation for Hire - Kimberly Hatten - 5th Grade Science
10.E. Consider/Approve Recommendation for Hire - Melinda Thibodeaux - 3rd Grade ELAR
10.F. Consider/Approve Recommendation for Hire - Brae Ford - Elementary Paraprofessional
10.G. Consider/Approve Recommendation for Hire - Shawn Clubb-High School Principal
11. Consider/Approve Items Discussed in Executive Session
12. Adjourn