November 19, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance
II. Commendations/Board Recognition
III. Public Forum/Citizens Comments
IV. Public Hearing to discuss Wharton ISD's State Financial Accountability Rating
IV.A. Overview of Schools FIRST
IV.B. Wharton ISD's financial rating
IV.C. Public comments on the reports
V. Public Hearing to discuss Targeted Improvement Plan for Wharton Elementary School
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Consideration and possible approval of consent agenda
VI.A.1. Minutes of October 22, 2019; 7:00 p.m., Regular Meeting
VI.A.2. Minutes of October 28, 2019; 6:30 p.m., Special Meeting
VI.A.3. Approve financial reports
VI.A.4. Consideration and possible action to approve budget amendments
VI.A.5. Consideration and possible action to approve Annual Investment Report and Investment Policy
VI.A.6. Consideration and possible action to approve Staff Development Waiver for 2019-2020 school year
VI.A.7. Consideration and possible action to approve revised WISD E-Rate manual
VI.B. Consideration and possible action to approve Memorandum of Understanding with Taps & Mats Dance Studio
VII. Reports
VII.A. Mike Lanier, Construction Projects Manager
VII.A.1. Construction update
VII.B. Randy Meyer, Deputy Superintendent
VII.B.1. Human Resources and Business Office update
VII.C. S.B. Pierson, Assistant Superintendent of Operations
VII.C.1. Operations Departments update
VII.D. Pamela Lechler, Wharton Elementary School Principal
VII.D.1. Campus update
VII.E. Superintendent's Report
VIII. Adjourn to Closed Meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 of the Open Meetings Act for the following purpose:
VIII.A. Personnel Matters
VIII.A.1. Personnel update
IX. Reconvene Open Meeting
IX.A. Personnel Matters
IX.A.1. Personnel update
X. Adjournment