February 28, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag
III. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
IV. Moment of Silence
V. Review Code of Ethics for School Board Members
VI. Public Comments/Audience Participation
VII. Mustang Highlights
VIII. Minutes of Previous Meeting
IX. Financial Report for Board Information
IX.a. Monthly Tax Collection Report
IX.b. Check Payments Report
IX.c. Comparison of Revenues, Expenditures & Encumbrance to Budget
IX.d. Cash Position by Bank Account
IX.e. Bank Reconciliations
IX.f. Discuss and take appropriate action on Eckert & Company Letter of Engagement
X. Budget Amendments for Board Approval
XI. Tax Collection Update with Perdue, Brandon ,Fielder, Collins, & Mott LLP Representative
XII. Student Progress Measures
XII.a. 2017-2018 Pre-K 3 and 4 year Old Program Progress Measures
XII.a.1. Discuss and take appropriate action on 2018-2019 Half Day 3 -Year Old Pre-K Program
XII.b. Kindergarten and First Grade Progress Measures
XII.c. Elementary TEA Pilot Interim STAAR Assessment Update
XII.d. T-STEM Blueprint and Self Assessment
XIII. Accountability
XIII.a. MISD 2017 Federal Report Card
XIV. Facilities
XIV.a. Discuss and take appropriate action on Future Teacher Housing Project
XIV.b. Discuss and take appropriate action on appointing an Integrated Pest Control Coordinator
XV. Superintendent Evaluation
XV.a. Discuss and Establish Timelines for Superintendent Evaluation
XVI. MISD School Calendar
XVI.a. Discuss and take appropriate action to Amend 2017-2018 School Calendar to reflect one additional teacher workday (March 9, 2018)
XVI.b. Discuss and take appropriate action to waiver the 2018-2019 Instructional Calendar by 5 days for all staff members
XVII. School Board Training
XVII.a. National School Board Conference 2018 (NSBA)
XVII.b. Summer Leadership Institute
XVII.c. In-House Governance Workshop
XVII.d. Discuss and take appropriate action to secure funds for School Board Training
XVIII. Superintendent Report
XVIII.a. Sul Ross Education Department Math Partnership
XVIII.b. Mid-Winter Conference Update
XIX. Sec.551.074 Personnel Matters; Closed Session
XIX.a. Discuss 2018-2019 Business Manager Contract
XIX.b. Discuss 2018-2019 Athletic Director Position
XIX.c. Discuss Reassignment of Elementary Math Teacher
XIX.d. Discuss Employment of Full-Time Elementary Math Teacher
XIX.e. Discuss continued efforts and next steps to obtain Technology District Assets from Former Contractor
XIX.f. Discuss Principal Position for 2018-2019
XX. Sec. 551.102 Requirements to Vote or Take Final Action Open Meeting. A final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a closed meeting under the chapter may only be made in an open meeting that is held in compliance with the notice provisions of this chapter.
XX.a. Take appropriate action on 2018-2019 Business Manager Contract
XX.b. Take appropriate action on Athletic Director Position
XX.c. Take appropriate action on the Reassignment of Elementary Math Teacher
XX.d. Take appropriate action on employment of Full Time Math Teacher
XX.e. Take appropriate action on next steps for obtaining District Technology Assets from Former Contractor
XX.f. Take appropriate actions on 2018-2019 Principal Position
XXI. Schedule Future Meeting(s)
XXII. Adjourn Meeting