June 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting Along with public hearing
Agenda |
1. Public Hearning
1.1. Discuss the proposed 2024-2025 Budget
1.2. Discuss the proposed 2024-2025 Maintenance & Operation (M&O) Tax Rate.
1.3. Discuss the proposed 2024-2025 Interest and Sinking (I&S) Tax Rate.
2. Call to Order
2.1. Roll call and establish a quorum
2.2. Prayer
2.3. Pledge
2.4. Reagan County ISD Board of Trustees Vision Statement.
2.4.A. "Reagan County ISD is a District committed to Opportunity, Innovation and Individual Excellence."
3. Public Comments/Open Community Forum - The public is invited to sign up and speak on matters of concern. The Board welcomes comments during the public comment part of the meeting. However, in accordance with the Texas Opens Meeting Act, Board Members cannot discuss or vote on issues not posted on the agenda. Please limit comments to 5 minutes per speaker (BED Local). Sign in with recording secretary.
4. Parents/Students/Teachers of the Month
5. Administrative Reports to include Campus Reports, Special Populations, Curriculum, Athletic, Technology, Transportation, Food Service Reports as Needed:
6. Special Programs: Mrs. Bastin
7. Construction Report: Gallagher and Mr. Sellman
7.1. Curriculum and Instruction: Mrs. Weatherby
8. Superintendent Report:
8.1. We received the Suburban from Scoggin Dickey.
8.2. All electrical services for district houses have been completed.
8.3. Housing roof, window, and gutter installations should be completed by the end of this week.
8.4. The fencing projects on Pennsylvania Ave. are complete.
8.5. Federal Planning Amounts for 2024-2025 (See Attachment)
8.6. STAAR Preliminary Results on May 22nd (See Attachment)
8.7. Region 18 TIL Training on June 10th -11th
8.8. School Board Training (SLI) June 12th -15th
8.9. The next board meeting is at 6:00 PM on Monday, July 8th.
9. Consent Agenda: (Action Required)
9.1. Previous Minutes:
9.2. Business Manager's Report:
9.2.A. Bills as Paid:
9.2.B. Cash Balances, Revenues, Expenditures:
9.2.C. Monthly Collection of Taxes
10. New Business: Consider/Discuss: (Action Required)
10.1. Consideration and possible action to approve budget amendments for the 2023-2024 Middle School Renovation Project.
10.2. Consideration and possible action to approve the budget amendment for Reagan County ISD.
10.3. Consideration and possible action to approve the 2024-2025 budget.
10.4. Consideration and possible action authorizing the defeasance and redemption of certain outstanding bonds; approving and authorizing the execution of an escrow agreement; authorizing the engagement of a verification agent; and containing other provisions relating thereto.
10.5. Deliberation and possible action to select a Design-Build Services Contractor for the new RCISD Housing Facility project RFQ- #2024-03
10.6. Consideration and possible action to approve Presence Learning for speech services. The total amount exceeded the threshold for the 2023-2024 school year.
10.7. Consideration and possible action to approve the Low Attendance Days Waiver for 2023-2024.
10.8. Consideration and possible action to approve the Fine Arts Waiver for the 2024-2025 school year.
10.9. Consideration and possible action to approve learning.com as the instructional material adoption for K-5.
10.10. Consideration and possible action to approve the Buyboard contract for lighting in the auditorium with visual techniques inc.
10.11. Consideration and possible action to approve the quote to purchase a school Suburban from Scoggin Dickey. (See Attachment)
10.12. Consideration and possible action to approve an employee retention stipend if funds are available.
10.13. Consideration and possible action to give the superintendent the authority to hire contract employees through July 31st, 2024.
10.14. Consideration and possible action to approve employee contracts and resignations.
11. Consider Adjournment:
12. Future Business: