July 30, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Establish Quorum
II. Principal
II.A. GT Policies and Procedure Manual
II.B. Technology Plan
III. Superintendent
III.A. District Updates
III.B. Budget Workshop
IV. Executive Session
IV.A. Seek and Discuss Advice of District’s Attorney About Pending or Contemplated Litigation and Any Settlement Offer(s) Including the Matter Styled as North Zulch ISD v. TREA, Cause No. 19-16551
V. Return to Open Session
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Consider and take possible action regarding a resolution approving settlement agreement, in the Matter Styled as North Zulch ISD v. TREA, Cause No. 19-16551, and authorizing superintendent to take any necessary action to negotiate and effectuate settlement
VI.B. Consider and take possible action to approve a mutual release and settlement agreement with ImageNet, LLC for the purpose of terminating an Equipment and Service Agreement for printers/copiers
VI.C. Consider and Possible Approval on Lease Agreement for Copiers & Printers
VI.D. Consider and Possible Approval of Attestation for Synchronous Learning during the 2020-2021 School Year
VI.E. Consider and Possible Approval on Local Policies
VII. Adjourn