March 27, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
It has been found and determined that in accordance with the policies and orders of the Board, the notice of this meeting was posted publicly at the Administration Building in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.001 et. seq., and that all of the terms of said article have been fully complied with and that the 72-hour notice required has been properly and correctly given.
2. Invocation
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Open Forum (Public Comment Section)
At this time, the Board will listen to comments from the public and others regarding both agenda action items and items that are not on the agenda. No action may be taken on non-agenda items. Public participation is limited to the designated open forum portion of a regular meeting. Any person wishing to address the Board concerning an item on the agenda for an open meeting must register with the Board secretary by email at no later than 10:00 a.m. the day of the Board meeting. Any person wishing to address the Board concerning an item not on the Agenda can register with the Board Secretary at any time prior to the Board meeting. Speakers will not be permitted to criticize HFISD employees, whether addressing the Board on an Agenda item or a subject not on the posted Agenda.
5. Superintendent's Announcements
5.A. Summer Leadership Conference June 14 - 17, 2023
6. Discussion and Possible Approval of Matters Related to the Bond Projects
As a result of the ongoing bond projects, the board will continue to receive monthly updates and information throughout the life of the projects to their completion.
The administration, architects, and/or the CMaR will discuss general items and answer questions for the board. In addition, specific items will be discussed relating, but not limited to, consideration of extending the CMaR’s substantial complete date, the construction progress to date, and approving potential change orders. |
7. Discussion and Presentation of the District's Real Property Portfolio
The district owns approximately 11 parcels of land in West Jefferson County, Texas. Some district properties do not contain structures, nor does the district current use those properties for any specific purpose.
8. Discussion and Presentation of Intruder Detection Audit (IDAs) Finding for Hamshire-Fannett Elementary and Intermediate Schools
The top priority of Hamshire-Fannett and the State of Texas is keeping students and staff safe every day. The Texas School Safety Center recently conducted an Intruder Detection Audit at one or more of our campuses. The audits test whether a campus is accessible to an unauthorized individual. This audit, conducted as part of Governor Abbott’s school safety directives for all school systems following the tragedy in Uvalde, seeks to help districts identify how campuses can improve safety for students, such as ensuring exterior doors are locked. The audit provides us with an opportunity to create a safer learning environment for our students and staff.
Hamshire-Fannett ISD received its 2nd and 3rd IDAs on February 13, 2023 and March 7, 20223. The administration will discuss the process and outcome of the IDAs. The district will ultimately have to submit the following to the Texas School Safety Center: 1.) notice of the Safety and Security Committee’s minutes reflecting findings, discussion, and date of training, 2.) information that the board of trustees gave public notice about the IDAs, the corrective actions being put into place, and the timeline for the corrections. We are working closely with our district's School Safety & Security Committee to ensure that we are training all our staff and securing our doors for the protection of everyone at our campuses. The support from the state in conducting the Intruder Detection Audits is just one of the many actions we are taking to ensure our schools are safe. We know that this work does not end, and we appreciate the Board’s support. We acknowledge that parents and community members are likely very interested in the details of the audit results; however, it is in the best interest of the students that we do not share this information to the broader public as it could lead to compromising important campus security information. Specific details of the Intruder Detection Audit will be discussed in the executive session and with the Safety and Security Committee. Hamshire-Fannett ISD is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for our students and staff. |
9. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution Nomination the Superintendent for TASB's Superintendent of the Year (SOTY) Award
e Texas Association of School Boards sponsors the yearly award of Superintendent of the Year (SOTY). Each of the 20 educational regions go through a nomination and select process for SOTY. The regional awardees move to the state selection process in which five finalists are chosen. From the final five, the state winner is announced at the txEDCON 2022 TASA/TASB Conference.
The board will discuss the process and decide on approving a resolution for nomination.
10. Business Items (Consent Agenda)
The Board of Trustees have been supplied with detailed background information regarding each item of business on the "Consent Agenda" if one is so indicated or it has been discussed at a previous meeting of the Board. All items will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately. If requested by a Board member, individual items may be removed from the"Consent Agenda" to be discussed and voted upon separately. All items are as recommended by the Superintendent. |
10.A. Approval of February 20, 2023 Board Minutes
In conjunction with Hamshire-Fannett ISD Board policy, it is a requirement that the minutes of the previous Board meeting(s) be approved by the Board at a subsequent Board Meeting.
A copy of the minutes is included in each Board member’s agenda packet for perusal and awaits Board action.
10.B. Approval of Expenditures/Financials
It is a customary and accepted Board procedure as a standard order of business at regular Board meetings for the Board to take action in relation to the approval of expenditures for the elapsed period since the last Board meeting.
Pertinent information relating to the financial condition of the District and the resolution of district indebtedness is provided for Board perusal and utilization.
10.C. Approval of Budget Amendment #7 for the 2022-2023 Budget
It is a requirement of TEA accounting procedures that the annual budget be amended as necessary throughout the budget year.
The Board has been provided with the necessary documents for the budget amendment for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
10.D. Discussion and Possible Approval of the District Calendar for the 2023-2024 School Year
The District Calendar Committee is made up of district and campus
administrators, teachers, and parents. The committee met and listened to feedback from members and their campuses. Factors included in the proposed district calendar include the following:
10.E. Discussion ad Possible Approval of Extension of Bank Depository Contract
The current bank depository contract with Prosperity Bank will expire 08/31/2023.
The Texas Education Code, Section 45.205(b) allows the school district depository contract to be extended a total of three (3) two-year terms. It also allows for the depository contract to be modified for each two-year extension if both the school district and the district’s depository bank mutually agree to the terms. Both HFISD and Prosperity Bank have mutually agreed to no changes to the two-year extension except as noted in the letter. The new term will be 09/01/2023- 08/31/2025. At such a time, the district could either offer the second of three extensions or go out for a formal bid for a new depository contract.
10.F. Approval of Designated Donation
Each month the board is provided an update of donations received. However, due to the amounts and varying purposes, the board may want to accept these gifts.
Donation from Future Outdoorsmen of SETX of $1,500.00 to FFA for field trips and contests for the wildlife class and wildlife team. |
10.G. Approval of Vendors Limit Increases
Board Policy CH (LOCAL) requires budgeted purchases of goods or services costing $25,000 or more, regardless of whether the goods are services are competitively purchased, and requires Board approval before a transaction may take place.
Due to current market vacillations and aging equipment, the following vendors need increased spending limits. Hi-Land Dairy - Original Amount $40,000, Increase to $50,000 Labatt - Original Amount $300,000, Increase to $325,000 Ridell - Original Amount $25,000, Increase to $35,000 Sonny’s Small Engine - Original Amount $25,000, Increase to $40,000 Southern Ice Cream - Original Amount $25,000, Increase to $35,000 Southeast Texas Pediatrics Therapy - Original Amount $100,000, Increase to $160,000 |
11. Monthly Departmental Updates: Business, Finance & Food Service, Curriculum & Instruction, Maintenance & Operation and Technology Departments
Mark Waggoner: Allison Byrd: Terry Sanders: Jon Burris : Byron Miller |
12. Closed Session
The Board will now convene into Closed (executive) session in accordance with the TX Govt. Code 551.001 to discuss the following Items:
Any action, decision or final vote with regard to any matter considered in such closed session, shall be made in open session. |
12.A. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee (Tex Govt Code 551.074(a)(1), et seq.)
The district currently has one or more vacant positons. Interviews are currently being conducted, and the Superintendent will bring recommendations for the position(s) to this Board meeting, if feasible.
Any action, decision or final vote with regard to any matter considered in such closed session, shall be made in open session. |
12.A.1. Employment Contracts- Teachers/Librarians
12.B. To deliberate deployment or implementation of security personnel or devices. Tex. Gov't Code §551.076
12.C. To Seek Legal Counsel from the District's School Attorney. Tex Gov't Code §551.071
12.D. To deliberate security assessments or deployments related to information resources technology; network security information; or the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel, critical infrastructure, or security devices. Tex. Gov't Code §551.089
13. Action(s) Relative to items considered in Closed Session.
14. Personnel Employment
The District currently has one or more vacant positions. Interviews are currently being conducted, and the Superintendent will bring recommendations for the position(s) to this Board Meeting, if feasible. |
15. Personnel Resignations
It is possible that one or more resignations could be in the process of being submitted to the Superintendent.
If received, the Superintendent will present letters of resignation for board information. |
16. Board Announcements
17. Adjournment